Bone Deep

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Book: Read Bone Deep for Free Online
Authors: Gina McMurchy-Barber
    â€œOh, Aunt Beatrix, do you think —”
    â€œNo, no. It will be fine dear. I will see to it.”
    Oh no, what did I get myself into?
    For the next hour Great Aunt Beatrix taught me the finer details of how to set the table — informally for those frequent occasions when it’s just close friends and family; then formally for the times when I might want to impress my husband’s boss — yah right; and then for those special once-in-a-lifetime events when someone important — like, let’s say Her Royal Highness, Queen of England — should decide to drop in and dine with me. Aunt Beatrix was on a roll and I zoned in and out until Mom rescued me.
    â€œBedtime, Peggy. You’ve got school in the morning.” I leapt off the sofa and was about to make a run for it.
    â€œQuite right, young lady. Just let me conclude this lesson by saying that setting an elegant table is more than it appears. It’s symbolic that even in your day-to-day existence it’s possible to be careful, orderly, gracious, and temperate. And as you take more care in the smallest details of your life you’ll find when the going gets tough, you’ll be able to stay the course, face up to your problems with courage, and remain honest and true. If nothing else, remember it’s your moment-by-moment conduct that will determine the success of your life. So always put your best foot forward, Peggy. Give your all to everything you do and never run away from your problems.” Before she could add another word I scrambled up the stairs to get into my pj’s and brush my teeth.
    By the time I got back to the living room Mom had my bed made up on the sofa.
    â€œThat was sweet of you, Peggy. Aunt Beatrix always feels so good when she thinks she’s been useful.” I put my hands to my neck and pretended to choke myself. Mom laughed. “Huh, you think that was tough. That’s nothing. Aunt Margaret and I have a whole lifetime of lessons like that. But even so, we love Aunt Beatrix. She has a good heart and believe it or not, lots of the things she taught have come in handy — even how to set the table nicely.” Mom kissed me goodnight and headed up the stairs. “Oh, by the way, Aunt Beatrix hopes you’ll take her to see the petroglyphs tomorrow. I told her I was sure you’d be ecstatic!” I heard her giggle after she’d turned off the light. I groaned and flung the pillow at her. Aunt Beatrix may want to see Heron Park tomorrow, but I was starting scuba diving lessons. I also needed to come up with the second part of my plan — how to make sure Mom let me go on the search for the Intrepid .
    Happy to finally have time to myself I snuggled down in the sleeping bag and opened Captain Whittaker’s journal.
    October 18th, 1811
    By all estimates we shall reach St. Catherine’s in a fortnight. It will do us all good to get off the ship and stretch our legs. The island is a serviceable destination to take on fresh supplies, for it abounds with plantains, oranges and bananas, and abundant good spring water. I have ordered Mister Carver to stock us with enough to reach the Sandwich Islands. The last time I made this same voyage it took us nearly a month to sail round the Horn for the winds were fierce and tempestuous and drove us back nearly two hundred miles. If luck be on our side we will get past her before winter sets in.
    We have on board a fine band of musicians and they play most nights. This is a great source of comfort for us all. Besides singing and dancing the men occupy themselves in the evenings with card playing, chess, and a few of the lads who are able enjoy reading. There are some who would like it very much should I allow more consumption of rum and gambling. However, since the voyage when we lost our master gunner, who threw himself overboard when he had gambled away a year’s pay and his father’s pocket watch, I have kept the

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