
Read Bonded for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Bonded for Free Online
Authors: Jaymi Hanako
Tags: Science-Fiction, Fantasy, Space Opera, futuristic
    She stepped out of the cell. Felt a frisson of energy run through her spine and out to the tips of her fingers as she moved out of range of the magic-suppression spells. Ethlinda felt whole again, her power as much a part of her as any physical attribute. Her merchant-class parents had encouraged and nurtured her talents from birth, investing large parts of their meager income to have her trained by the best—spending far too much. The expense eventually landed her father into a miserable place very similar to this one: a debtor’s prison.
    The shame of the imprisonment had killed both of her parents. Her father by his own hand; her mother from the stress and grief. It was the one thing her magic could not fix.
    But she’d found other ways to get revenge. Nothing had stopped her then, and nothing would stop her now.
    A quick wave of the hand, a nearly forgotten combination of words, and the face and form of her would-be assailant covered her like a costume. Only a veneer, but it would be enough for now.
    Whistling the annoying tune she’d heard him use far too many times, she casually strolled out of the cell block. Heading for freedom.
    And maybe, just maybe, a little revenge too.

Chapter Four
    Taimi followed Jaren into his quarters.
    Behind them, faint murmurs came from the crew, but nothing distinguishable, and the heavy metal door slid shut.
    The room was sparsely furnished, with only a small desk in one corner and a bed—if it could be called such—against the far wall. A surprisingly thin slab of metal—barely big enough to fit Jaren’s long frame—was covered with linens. There was nothing personal in the space. Nothing to reflect the captain’s personality.
    He turned to face her, and again the look in his gorgeous hazel eyes was troubled. “Let’s get that off you.”
    “Why does it bother you, Captain?”
    “Jaren,” he corrected. “What bothers me?”
    She touched the slave collar. “This.”
    He skimmed his fingers along the edge of the gold, stopping at the tiny code pad. “Where my crew and I come from, owning another human is outlawed. So when they saw you…”
    “It bothers you, what they think?”
    “I’d hate to see any of them leave over this. I underwent a complete crew overhaul almost two years ago, and I’m not eager to repeat the process. Many of them would be snapped up by another freight captain in an instant, but they’ve stayed with me by choice so far.” He smiled briefly. “And for the money.”
    “I see.” But she didn’t. It was a type of society she didn’t understand. Had never imagined existed. The nobles of Lorus ruled by divine right. No one ever questioned them, slave or free. She’d assumed a space captain would rule his ship in a similar manner. But she was beginning to understand that Jaren was nothing like her expectations. “I apologize for my foolish questions”—she nearly called him by his rank again, before recalling his preference—“Jaren.”
    “No need to apologize.” He fished into a pocket of his jacket and pulled out a small electronic device that nearly disappeared within his large palm. The pocket assistant he’d used earlier. Apparently, it held more than just his finances. “I realize I’m dragging you into a completely different way of life. The best way to adapt and learn is to ask questions.”
    “I’ve never been allowed to ask questions before.” A faint vibration began beneath her feet, sending a matching tremor up her legs. She held out a hand, seeking a brace against the odd, unsettling sensation.
    “You’ve never flown before. Have you.” It wasn’t a question.
    Her eyes widened as the vibrations intensified. It was not at all like riding in the small terrestrial transports on Lorus. In those, the smoothness of the ride muffled all sense of motion.
    There was a sudden surge of energy. Taimi felt it all around her and lost her footing. Jaren caught her before she hit the floor. She clung to him,

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