varies from one country/continent to another. In the USA the personal bubble requires about 14-18 inches, in Japan however, this space is about 10 inches.
… that when a person has crossed both hands and legs, he is totally out of this conversation.
… that most women find it easier to get into the mirroring body language mode for one another. They also have no trouble mirroring the image of men, if they find them attractive. However, men very rarely mirror other men and almost never women. Exceptions might be there in this regard, during courtship.
… that two more universal facial expressions have been added in the recent past to the existing 6 (surprise, sadness, happiness, fear, disgust and anger), i.e. embarrassment and contempt.
… that men find women who laugh at their jokes attractive. When men say they love women with a sense of humor, more often than not they mean that they love women who are able to laugh at their jokes – and not that they love women who are witty/ funny, etc.
… that when they acute discomfort, men would be found touching their faces. Women on the other hand, would be see touching their necks, hair, arms and clothes.
… that feet and legs are often the body parts that almost always tell the truth about the intentions of the person. If the feet and body are out of sync, it means disagreement. It is very hard to control this reaction – even if you know about it – and hence, one of the most accurate yard sticks of body language.
… discomfort can also be identified when a person suddenly decides to zip up his jacket or close the buttons of his jacket. The same person may be seen unbuttoning the jacket after the discussion is over.
… that one shoulder shrug means that the person who is speaking does not agree to what is said.
… that a sure way to calm down is to puff your cheeks and exhale. You will feel calm almost immediately.
… that you can make yourself feel happier just by smiling – even if you do not feel like it. Just smile for 2-3 minutes and you will find the mood elevated.
… that even children who are born blind and have never seen the world, would cover their eyes when they hear that someone they loved passed away.
… that children whose parents are excessively abusive would often project “frozen” postures, i.e. hands by the side and no eye contact like they are frozen. This is a shortcut method for the brain to try to make the body disappear and mind to cope.
… that blind people would show the same body language as those who are born with sight.
… that women see men who show dominant body language as more fertile (and hence eligible) than non-dominant ones.
… that when women find men attractive, they will not allow anything to stand in between them – literally. They would remove coffee mugs, purse, etc. that is placed between the man and the woman. On the other hand, when she feels uncomfortable, she will put the purse/ handbag in between and cross her hands.
… that women use about 16 areas in their brain when they try reading body language; men on the other hand show only 4-6 area for the same task.
… that the ability to laugh (or to see the funny side of life) diminishes with age. While a young child will laugh about 400 per day, an adult laugh only about 15 times per day.
… that contrary to common belief, most practiced liars would be able to maintain eye contact with the person to whom they are lying to.
… that autistic people are not able to read anything “inferred” and hence, they cannot read what is said through body language.
… that arched eyebrows usually indicate they the listener is intrigued and curious.
… that tilting the head and smiling to the left often means you are flirting.
… that it takes about 4 minutes to decide whether you like a person or not.
… that when two people fall in love and look deep in one another’s eyes, their heart beats start beating in sync.
… that the hormone oxytocin