Blue Christmas (The Moody Blue Trilogy | Book One)

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Book: Read Blue Christmas (The Moody Blue Trilogy | Book One) for Free Online
Authors: Diane Moody
    “No regrets. A
hard lesson to learn, but I knew in my heart it wasn’t meant to be. Believe it
or not—and you may have trouble understanding this coming from me—but I really
try to keep tuned in to what God wants me to do with my life.”
    She turned to question
his statement, lifting a brow.
    He returned the
suspicious expression then headed back to the pool table. “I know—kinda weird,
huh? The thing is, I’m not a freak about my relationship with God or anything,
but it’s definitely important to me. More than anyone knows.”
    He picked up the
eight ball, tossing it gently from one hand to the other. “There just came a
time when I knew deep down it wasn’t gonna work out with Jennifer. I fought it,
but I knew it wasn’t right. And I think that’s why I have no hard feelings or
regrets.” His tone changed. “So I said to her, I said, “Jennifer? ‘If you’re
really gonna leave me, just do it and go, ‘cause I ain’t gonna cry, I’ll just
get on with the show! ’”
    “You’ve got to be
kidding. I had no idea that song was so personal!”
    He was laughing
again. “Yeah, well, it makes for easy lyrics. What can I say?” He made a silly
face, as if he’d been found out. “But wanna know the truth? I still feel like a
little kid living this dream life. I’m having way too much fun. One of these
days, I’ll know it’s time to walk away from it and . . . I
don’t know, just grow up? But I’m in no hurry. Now c’mon, let’s play some pool
here. What’s your wager?”
    Hannah walked over
to the opposite wall, selected a cue stick and chalked it. “I don’t know. What
did you have in mind?”
    “If I win, you
hang out with me for a few days.”
    WHAT! He
might as well have karate-kicked her in the gut—the air sucked right out of her
lungs. For a second, she thought she’d faint right there on the pool table. He’s
known me a total of two hours and now he’s ready to spend a few days with me?
Jason McKenzie wants to hang out with ME?! She tried to hide her shock,
turning her back to avoid his probing eyes, continuing to chalk the cue stick.
    Remnants of Laura’s
warning bounced around in her head like an echo chamber . . . heartbreaker,
heartbreaker, heartbreaker . . . She kept her back to him to
buy more time, taking a deep breath and a hard swallow to stop the tornado in
her head. She kept moving, hoping he’d think she was just getting ready for
their game of pool.
    Think, Hannah,
think! These guys can have any girl they want, anywhere, anytime. Women throw
their panties at them on stage, for crying out loud! Which means Jason is just
coming on to you because that’s what he’s used to. It isn’t you. It’s
the whole adoring fan thing. He expects you to drool over the chance to
hang out with him. Don’t do it! Don’t you dare! You’re not some adolescent groupie!
Just turn around, hold your head high, and show him what you’re made of!
    Hannah turned
slowly, still chalking the cue in a grand attempt at nonchalance. “Let me get
this straight. If you win, I spend some time with you over the next couple of
    “I think a week
would be more suitable.”
    “A week.”
    Not a couple
days. A week. He wants a week.
    He made his way
toward her side of the table, touching her elbow gently to move past her. She
inhaled the musky scent of his cologne. He was humming. He started to dance
with his cue stick. Over-animated, suave moves that made her laugh out loud. And
it felt so good to laugh. She felt muscles relax, easing the tension.
    Then again . . .
    The battle in her
mind continued. He is genuinely nice. He’s polite. He comes from a
good home. I mean, the guy loves his mother! She felt her head nodding in
rhythm to the debate ping-ponging in her head.   And let’s face it. He is flirting with you. How long has it been since anyone other than Ed, the dinosaur
janitor, flirted with you? Huh?
    “So is it a deal?”
he sang, turning to lunge his

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