Blue Christmas (The Moody Blue Trilogy | Book One)

Read Blue Christmas (The Moody Blue Trilogy | Book One) for Free Online

Book: Read Blue Christmas (The Moody Blue Trilogy | Book One) for Free Online
Authors: Diane Moody
wouldn’t let him near these good dishes. Hannah, go on and get him
out of here for me. You two have a good time. Frank and I are going to turn in
for the night. Jason, show her to her room. Why don’t you put her in JT’s
    “Excuse me?”
Hannah coughed. JT Malone—the bad boy of Blue . Numerous body piercings,
tattoos, and hair color that changed almost weekly. His husky baritone voice
was the perfect compliment to their legendary harmonies, and his renegade
reputation earned him recognition as “the wild one.”
    Jason laughed at
her again. “No, silly, you’re not rooming with JT. Mom’s got all the
guest rooms designated for the guys. They all show up at one time or another
and she insists on making them feel at home. You don’t mind staying in JT’s
room, do you? I promise he’s not here at the moment.”
    “Oh, I guess I can
stand it,” she teased. She tried to hide her embarrassment at the mistaken
    “Come on.” Jason
grabbed her hand. “The pool table is downstairs. You’ll love the game room.
Wait ’til you see what Mom’s done with it.”

    Chapter 4
    Stepping down the
last three stairs into the expansive game room felt like stepping into a
museum. That’s because it was a museum. Laura had covered the walls with
professionally framed photographs documenting the entire history of Out of
the Blue.
    “This is amazing!
Look how young you guys were!” Hannah laughed, pointing to an early cover on Teen magazine. “JT without tats or piercings? This must have been a nursery shoot.”
    Jason set up the
billiard balls. “I know, doesn’t he look like a big baby? Check that one out
over there,” he pointed with a cue stick. “Get a load of Jackson. I don’t think
his voice had even changed yet. ‘Never gonna leave you, baby . . .’ he mimicked, croaking the Blue hit like an adolescent.
    “Stop!” She
laughed. “Besides, you don’t exactly look like an old geezer either, Jason. Is
that peach fuzz I see on your chin here?” She leaned closer to examine another
group shot.
    “Ouch? Pretty fast
with the comebacks, are we?”
    Hannah looked from
picture to picture, enthralled with the captured history of the group she had
once followed so faithfully all those years. Photos of the five at dozens of
music award shows, appearances on television and concert stages, and many from
photo shoots that adorned magazine covers for years. Among them, Laura had
included enlarged personal snapshots the guys had taken—horsing around
backstage, at recording sessions, on the tour buses as they traveled.
    It was almost more
than she could absorb. She took a deep breath, pinching herself to make sure
this wasn’t still a dream. She leaned forward for a closer look at a picture of
Jason holding hands with a long-legged blonde beauty in a short, tight leather skirt.
    “Ah, Jennifer,
isn’t it?” She started to glance over her shoulder but jumped when she
discovered Jason standing right behind her. “Whoa, how long have you been
standing here?”
    “Long enough. I
love looking at all these old pictures. Mom is so good about keeping up with
all our stuff. And to answer your question, it just didn’t work out.”
    “What didn’t work
    “With Jennifer.
You’d have liked her. She’s terrific. We had a lot of good times together. I’m
telling you, she’s crazy. You wouldn’t believe the pranks she used to pull on
    Hannah noticed a
far off look on his face and decided to leave it alone.
    He inhaled deeply.
“But, y’know what? Sometimes these things just aren’t meant to be. She was
ready to settle down and start a family and I wasn’t. I mean, the way I see it,
I’ve got to ride this train as long as I can. Or at least until I know it’s
time to get off. We’re still friends and we occasionally keep in touch. She’s
engaged to an attorney in Nashville. Nice guy. I’m happy for her.”
    “No regrets?”
Hannah turned back to the

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