Blood of Egypt (Witch Fairy Book 8)

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Book: Read Blood of Egypt (Witch Fairy Book 8) for Free Online
Authors: Bonnie Lamer
the morning in bed, the looming checkout time drags us up and to the shower.  A long hot shower, together.  When we’re all dried off and dressed, I wrap my arms around Kallen, “I never asked you, do you want to go anywhere in particular?”
    “I have never given that much thought.  Wherever you are, I am happy.  We can go anywhere you want.” That earns him an extra long kiss that almost makes us miss the checkout time.
    We check out of our room right on time and walk out of the hotel holding hands.  Even though the last day has been like any other honeymoon, we still have more adventures ahead.  We continue walking until we have reached a deserted area, then stop.  Looking around, we make sure no one can see us as we prepare for our next adventure.
    I think about hot desert sands. I imagine us seeing the pyramids from a distance; I don’t want to land us in the middle of a crowd again.  When I open my eyes, we are in an endless sea of sand.  About a quarter of a mile in the distance there are three pyramids rising towards the sky.  I can't believe it.  I’m finally here.  I’m in Egypt!

    Chapter 10
    Since we are quite a ways from the pyramids, it’s unlikely that anyone saw us appear as if from nowhere.  We look around to make sure, relieved not to find a soul anywhere in sight.  I slip my hands into Kallen’s and we start walking.  I can’t believe we’re actually here.
    As we get closer, these monstrous sized structures become even more impressive.  The giant stones placed with precision to last through millennia.  The faded façade from so many years in the sun.  The voices of the throngs of people come to witness their glory.  I am in complete awe.
    Kallen smiles down at me.  “You are so beautiful right now.”  My cheeks grow pink as he leans down and kisses me.  “If I had known how happy this would make you, I would have brought you here long ago.”
    “I can’t believe how much my life has changed since I met you,” I say, still in amazement of my surroundings.
    He sets my suitcase down and pulls me into his arms.  “Not all of those changes have been good,” he reminds me.  “Does the good balance out the bad?”
    I pretend to think about it.  “Hmm, let me see.  I’m married to a gorgeous Fairy who adores me, I have close friends, I am one of the most powerful magical creatures around, I can travel between realms at the flick of my wrist and I’m currently on my honeymoon in a place I’ve wanted to see my whole life.  What were the bad things again?”
    Kallen laughs.  “I cannot remember.”  He captures my lips and I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss.
    Three loud popping noises drag us apart.  I’m pretty sure those were gun shots.  Considering the panic of the crowds near the pyramids, I would say I’m right.  Kallen and I both turn and begin running in the direction of the shooter.  Our progress is hampered slightly by the fact that everyone else is running away from the shooter. 
    Everyone except another couple.  She has long dark hair and a beautiful face that looks as if her cheekbones were chiseled from stone.  The man with her has dark hair as well that’s slightly longer than Kallen’s and his skin is a gorgeous bronze color as if it was made to be out in the sun.  It is only a moment before it is them, the shooter, and me and Kallen.  Everyone else has fled.
    The man waving the gun looks like he’s a tourist.  He has close cropped blonde hair and he’s wearing a tacky Hawaiian shirt with khaki pants.  His belly is a bit round and his glasses are rather thick.  He’s looking at his gun as if it just suddenly appeared in his hand.
    The confusion in his eyes clears when they find me.  A sneer crawls onto his face and he points his gun in my direction.  There is so much raw hatred on his face that I almost take a step

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