Blood Moons
And if there was one thing he never wanted to see, it was Dara's eyes completely empty like that.
    Dr. Chase pulled her hand free and answered the intercom.
    "All clear here, Sergeant. I must have punched in the wrong combination. Won't happen again."
    "Need backup?"
    "No, thank you. Everything's fine." She waved at the camera for good measure.

    Blood Moons
    by Alianne Donnelly
    "All right, then. Security out." But they weren't and both she and Tristan knew it.
    Amelia picked up the file that lay next to Tristan's and came to him so she wouldn't have to speak loudly. "Dara Frost," she read. "She was sentenced to life for a series of bloody murders. Seems she called the police with some information that led them to one of the victims. He was already dead, and there were no clues to point to the killer.
    Except her call." She closed the file. "The chief of police testified against her, then pleaded for the jury to spare her life. No one really believed she did it, but the people were screaming for blood. And hers was the most readily available."
    Tristan felt ice settle in the marrow of his bones. She'd seen it. She'd looked into a serial killer's mind because she couldn't keep it from happening. And now she was far too close to far too many of them, with no mental guards to keep out their sick thoughts. How did she survive without going mad?
    She doesn't belong here.
    He hadn't realized he'd spoken out loud until Dr. Chase tilted her head, studying him curiously. "No, I suppose she doesn't. But there are a lot of us here who could make that claim. What should be doesn't change what is." Her tone didn't tell him whether she was talking about him, or herself.
    "I hope you're not planning to make a crusade out of this. It's not worth it to stick your own neck out for someone you don't even know."

    Blood Moons
    by Alianne Donnelly
    Tristan was nobody's puppet. What the doctors did to him, they did only because he allowed it. Dr. Chase, for all her sage advice, had her own agenda when it came to him. Her research was dependent on his full cooperation, and until now, he'd given it without qualm. That she would stoop to this kind of manipulation was as low as it was unexpected.
    Which meant that Tristan shut down. "Perform your experiments, Doc. The sooner you're done, the sooner I can get out of here."
    Amelia sighed, smart enough to know when it wasn't worth it to stay on a subject anymore. She pulled the ready kit close again and became all business. "It's an intravenous treatment to stabilize your fluctuations in strength. It should make outbursts more controllable." The serum was already prepared and she measured an exact amount in the syringe before she injected it into his arm. "The side effects should be mild. A little headache and muscle soreness. Nothing a guy like you can't handle."
    [Back to Table of Contents]

    Blood Moons
    by Alianne Donnelly

Chapter Four
    29th day of the 3rd Blood Moon, just after midnight Dara stared up at Hunt's bunk in the darkness. Her chest felt painfully clear, the way it usually did after she'd cried for a long time. She'd been in the middle of the best chapter when she'd felt something she couldn't even name. For a second, Dara had been so connected with Hunt, it had been like she wasn't in the cell, reading a book, but there with him, wherever the hell he'd been.
    She'd seen through his eyes, felt her hands cramp—just as his had—her chest going tight until she couldn't breathe. For that instant, Dara had literally shared a single mind with him, but she still hadn't gotten any of his thoughts, just raw emotions.
    And those emotions had scared her.
    Dara could feel the fury making his jaw lock; felt the awful wrath he'd kept just barely leashed. Joined with him, she'd feared for her life.
    So this was what he'd been hiding from her. A wolf in sheep's clothing, helping her, teaching her, making her think he was safe. But he was even worse than the others—he was locked in the

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