Blood Moon (Moons of the Wolf Series Book 1)

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Book: Read Blood Moon (Moons of the Wolf Series Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Samantha Clarke
shook his head.  He couldn’t fool himself.  He knew there wasn’t another Samantha, or another Elizabeth for that matter.  He almost sighed loudly, but he stopped himself; his parents were silent and would hear him if he made the faintest noise.
    After a moment, Bridgette sighed, “Colin, dear, what are you afraid of?  Nothing will change…Samantha will finally have a father figure in her life.  Is that really so bad?”
    “She’s seventeen!  She doesn’t need a father figure in her life.  Even if she did, she has the entire pack, and me!  Besides, do you want to turn the poor girl’s whole world upside down?  Don’t you think she’s been through enough?”  Colin’s voice was softer, he was clearly growing weary of the argument.
    “Sometimes the decisions that are right are the decisions that are the hardest to make…”  Bridgette’s voice was equally as soft.
    Riley didn’t want to hear anymore.  He was astonished, no appalled , by what he just heard.  He had to tell Samantha, but he didn’t know how.  He ran his fingers through his hair and took a deep breath.  Before he could knock his parent’s door swung open without warning, and Riley looked up at his father sheepishly.
    Colin looked down at his, his face stern, “what are you doing up here young man?  You’re supposed to be downstairs waiting for your guests.”
    “Mrs. Cook is here with Madam Pandev and I know we don’t have a handicap ramp and I wanted to come upstairs and get your help bringing her inside…”  Riley answered quickly, his words running together, obviously nervous.
    Colin frowned and narrowed his eyes, knowing that his son had been eavesdropping by the guilty look on his face, “next time don’t come looking for me.  You’re an able bodied young man, you and Jaden could have gotten her inside on your own.”  Riley didn’t say a word, he just simply followed his father down the stairs.  When they reached the bottom Jaden had already gotten Danica inside and was wheeling her into the kitchen.  Colin glared at Riley, disappointed that he had not stayed downstairs to help.
    Meghan, Olivia’s mother, hugged Riley and Colin, giving Riley birthday wishes, then she turned to Alex and did the same.  Olivia followed in suit, and then everyone followed Jaden into the kitchen.  Riley walked behind everyone, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
    “Hey,” He greeted Jaden, who high fived him in response, “what’s up?  Where are the others?”
    “Runt’s on her way, she got a flat tire and Charlotte’s parents are picking her and Melody up.  A tow truck already came and took the truck to Taylor’s Auto body Shop.  Melody is going to pick it up later,” Jaden responded as he pulled out a chair and begun to help Danica into it.
    Riley realized how rude he was being and went over and helped Jaden.  They lowered Danica into the chair and she kissed Jaden on the cheek, patting the side of his face.
    “Such a good young man…”  She cooed.  Then she looked at Riley, “and you too…happy birthday, dearie.”
    Riley smiled, “Thank you, Madam Pandev, how are you doing?”  He asked politely.
    “I’m well, dear, and don’t make me tell you younglings again, Gram is all you need to call me…Madam Pandev makes me sound old and dried up!”  She responded with a laugh, “I’ve still got some kick left in me.”  Riley smiled, and excused himself from the room, using Samantha’s late arrival as an excuse.  He went and sat in the den, looking out the window, waiting for her.  He didn’t see Charlotte or her parent’s pull into the driveway, lost in his thoughts about what he had overheard as he stared at his hands.  Her voice woke him from his thoughts and he jumped up.
    “Riley?”  She called him.
    He rushed into the foyer and swung his arms around her.  He lifted her up and spun her around, pressing kisses to her face.  She winced in pain, and he panicked, putting her down quickly. 

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