Blood Cursed

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Book: Read Blood Cursed for Free Online
Authors: Erica Hayes
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Fantasy, Thrillers, Paranormal
off, his pretty bloodfae prize. He slung his arm around my neck and nuzzled a laughing kiss below my ear. “Watch what ya say about my girl, shitbrain. Darlin’, don’t you mind him.”
    Flushing, I tugged my top into place, trying to swallow my awkwardness. “Umm … hey.”
    “Evening, beautiful.” Diamond took my palm and kissed it, his usual meaningless flirtation. His warm lips teased me, but his eyes were glacial, contempt flashing clear like ice.
    My stomach squeezed hot, and I snatched my hand back.
    Diamond smiled coolly. “You meeting Ange, Jaspy-joo? Better lose your candy.”
    Angry ants crawled under my skin. More insults. As if his own profession—that’d be sticky gang puke and sparkle pusher—was so goddamn noble.
    I wanted to stare him down, say, Who the fuck are you calling “candy,” crystal boy? but my treacherous gaze kept sliding aside. Snarky glass-ass bastard. Still, gotta give him points for attitude. Anyone who called my hot-tempered boy Jaspy-joo had guts.
    Jasper opened his mouth to retort, but settled for a sharp-toothed grin. He twirled one of my red curls in shiny black claws. “In a second. Just doing some doings. Gotta get me some Ember-time.”
    Diamond wrinkled his cute pointed nose. “Better get in line.”
    My heart clenched tight, but Jasper just giggled, rich. He thought it a compliment. Trusted his boss implicitly not to fool around with his girl.
    Their stupid machofae code made me sick. I wanted to jump up and down, claw at my hair, scream, What is wrong with you people? You’re gangsters. You’d sell your own legs if you thought it’d make you fly faster. What’s with the got-your-back bullshit?
    Diamond winked at me, dripping irony, and I scowled, my wings bristling. This asshole really pushed my buttons. Everyone thinks we bloodfae are bimbos, good for nothing but pleasure, but his condescending stare maddened me beyond sense. One minute he’s about to kiss me; the next, he goes out of his way to make me feel worthless.
    Well, screw him in a pile of pickles. I didn’t care what he thought of me.
    But my skin still prickled hot. I wanted to squint my eyes shut, disappear into the background. Angry breeze ruffled my wings, and I shot him the darkest glare I could muster. “Screw you, jewelboy. Fucked up any kids with sparkle lately? Hear you sell it cheaper to the youngsters.”
    “Hush it, Emmy.” Jasper squeezed my shoulder in warning. His claws dug in painfully, and the old fear speared me cold. Naughty Emmy, annoying the boss. Be quiet, or I’ll have to punish you.
    But Diamond just draped his hot claret gaze over my chest. “Nice bloodstain, candygirl. Chargify by the mouthful?”
    Shame scorched my nerves, but I raised him a coquettish eyebrow. “Why? Want some?”
    A crystalsharp laugh. “No, thanks. Like me a girl who can make up her mind.”
    “Whatever.” Asshole. I tried to look away, keep it casual. But my gaze kept dragging back to his perfect, narrow face, those sharpglitter cheekbones, his ripe beestung lips, and it occurred to me that maybe Jasper had only the second most beautiful mouth in Melbourne.
    A silent windchime chuckle tinkled in my ears, and my nerves strung taut. Glassfae had weirdsight. No doubt he’d heard everything I was thinking.
    Well, the dirty eavesdropper wouldn’t need weirdsight to hear this. I opened my mouth, vitriol searing my tongue loose.
    But strange images flooded hot, wobbling my knees, and the words caught in my throat. His gaze fixed on mine, distant but inescapable. Grasping fingers of glassy shadow slid into my skull, and I could do nothing to stop them.
    Blood, sloshing over my vision in scarlet waves, sliding down my neck’s taut sinews. The vampire’s cruel teeth in my throat, digging, raping, feeding until I squirmed with disgust and horrid longing that made me ache. Jasper’s crueler kiss, unnerving, claws teasing me, velvet wings a dark caress that shivered my skin. His pale strong limbs

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