daughter of Watonka."
"I see," I said. The girl, Iwoso, did not wear a collar. I had suspected, however, from the plainness of her dress, the fact that she was on foot, with the Isanna, and seemed clearly in attendance on the girl astride the kaiila, that she was not of the Isanna, but was, rather, one owned by them, or, at least, living with them.
"Iwoso has high status with the Isanna," said Cuwignaka. "You can see that she is not even collared."
"Yes," I said. The name 'Iwoso', incidentally, means "Pouting Lips." Her lips, on the other hand, were not protursive. The name, thusly, I conjectured, might once have been given to her for other than anatomical reasons. Probably she had once been sullen or petulant. She had then discovered that, by the decision of her master or mistress, she was "Pouting Lips." The expression 'Bloketu', incidentally, the name of the girl on the kaiila, the daughter of the Isanna cheiftain, Watonka, means "Summer" or "Summertime."
"What have we here?" asked Watonka, chieftain of the Isanna.
"I do not know her," said Bloketu, not deigning to look upon Cuwignaka.
"From the summer dances, long ago," said Cuwignaka. "You remember me, surely. I was Petuste. I found flowers for you. We rode kaiila together."
"Perhaps my maiden remembers you," said the girl. 'Petuste' means "Firebrand." More broadly, of course, it can refer to any piece of burning wood. He was the brother of Canka, of course, Fire-Steel. This was the first time I had ever heard the former name of Cuwignaka.
"Do you remember her, Iwoso?" asked the girl on the kaiila of the girl at her stirrup.
"No," said Iwoso.
"Iwoso!" protested Cuwignaka.
"You see," said Bloketu, from the height of the saddle, "you are not remembered."
"Who is she?" inquired Watonka.
"A shame of the Isbu," said Mahpiyasapa. He was still furious with Canka, who had seen fit, in virtue of capture rights, muchly desiring her, to put his collar on the lovely Winyela.
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"Obviously she is only a female of the Isbu," said one of the men with Watonka.
"Go away," said Canka to Cuwignaka, angrily. "You do us shame."
"That is her brother," said Hci to one of the Isanna. "He has such a one for a sister, and yet was permitted to serve as Blotanhunka for the All Comrades."
"Oh?" said the man.
"Yes," said Hci.
"Bewear, Hci!" said Canka.
"Of what?" asked Hci. "Do I not speak the truth?"
Canka clenched his fists, in fury.
"What do you think of one who takes a woman brought into our contry to be sold to his cheiftain?" aske Mahpiyasapa of Watonka.
"I think such a one should be punished." said Watonka. "Then the woman should be given to the chief."
"I was within my rights," said Canka.
"Let me, and the Sleen Soldiers, punish him," said Hci. "Let us destroy his lodge and break his weapons. Then we will bring you the woman naked, and tied in leather."
"I will think on it," said mahpiyasapa.
"I was within my rights," said Canka.
"Deliver the woman to me," said Mahpiyasapa.
"No," said Canka. "She is mine."
"Perhaps I will take her," said Mahpiyasapa. "I will think on it."
"She is mine," said Canka.
Mahpiyasapa shrugged. "If I want," he said, "I will take her."
Canka, in fury, turned about and strode from the group.
"Beware of an angry young man," said Watonka to Mahpiyasapa. Hci looked after Canka.
"Perhaps you will come sew with us sometime," said Bloketu, loftly and beautiful on the kaiila, to Cuwignaka.
Cuwignaka did not respond to her.
"Isn't she pretty, Iwoso?" asked Bloketu.
"Yes," said Iwoso.
"I wonder if she is the sort of woman who must please warriors," said Bloketu.
Cuwignaka regarded her with fury. I saw that he would not have minded teaching the lofty Bloketu something about the pleasing of men.
"Perhpas," laughed Iwoso.
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This, too, stung Cuwignaka. He, Kaiila, did not care to be the butt of the humor of one who, when