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Book: Read Blaze for Free Online
Authors: Andrew Thorp King
Tags: Informative
a larger chore than expected.
    Fitz took a deep breath and leaned back in the soft brown leather chair as he shook his head in agreement with his shrink. “I know. I know. I’m just so damn overwhelmed with everything. I’m beginning to wish I called for a recount to see if by some divine chance I really wasn’t meant to do this. Talk about being careful what you wish for. I was told by my predecessor what the pressures would be like once I became aware of all the briefings and intricacies of the office, but six months into it, I’m still feeling like I’m on my first day at the job and there’s a proverbial stain on my collar.” Fitz knew he was veering off into complaint town simply by the look on Gabriella’s face. She took the opportunity to change the subject.
    â€œHow’s Emily, Jack? How’s she adjusting?”
    â€œYou know her. She lives for change and hustle. She’s always been one step ahead. If she wasn’t such a piercing, nagging interference, I might actually take comfort in her ability to adjust. But she’s been reinforcing my anxieties more than relieving them.” When it came to the dynamic between Jack and his wife Emily, it was clear to Gabriella that Jack not only did not wear the pants, he had no pants. This emperor had no clothes because his wife took them.
    The first lady was more than a handful. She was all details and no heart. She was a type A go-getter who lacked any shred of emotional intelligence. As the president continued to vent to Dr. Gabriella Mancini, his shrink since the campaign began, she could not help but replay a multitude of scenes from the old television sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond in her mind. Emily Fitz’s personality was much like Deborah on the show. Emily walked all over Jack when the camera was off and the door was shut. She treated him like a child. Too many times Dr. Mancini had to make valiant efforts to keep a serious countenance while listening to Fitz because inside she was laughing hysterically at the DVR playing inside her mind.
    â€œWe spoke last time about the idea of you focusing on your history of strengths, proven skills, and internal locus of control. When you speak like this about the extent to which you’ve allowed others to affect you, it’s clear to me that your focus is off. I know you love Emily, and I know it’s difficult for you to remove emotion from the effect she’s having on you, but you need to.”
    Jack interjected, “You’re right Gabriella, I just get beaten down so much by her that it’s hard to brush aside how she makes me feel.”
    â€œThe position you’re in doesn’t allow you to be weak in these areas. Ignoring your wife’s behavior and refusing to allow it to effect you negatively doesn’t mean you’re any less devoted to or in love with her. It simply means you’re independently strong and secure. This will obviously apply to many of the relationships you’re beginning to develop with congress, world leaders, and the ever-intensifying relationships with your own staff.” Gabriella was suddenly feeling like she was grossly, and damn near criminally, underpaid.
    â€œWhen I’m focused on God, and the destiny He’s called me to embrace, I do feel that sense of internal strength that you speak of, but lately those moments are rare. I’ll work to be more cognizant of my tendencies this week. I’ll certainly need such an emotional shield given the pressure cooker I’m in.” Jack Fitzsimmons rarely revealed the fabric of his faith when speaking with Gabriella.
    Gabriella was well aware of the brand of Christianity that the President espoused. She knew he was prominently associated with the emerging religious left. She thought of his faith as a combination of Carter-era feel-good Christianity blended with the contemporary sensibility of young Christians who harbored many socially

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