Birth of the Alliance
Will. She walked to the side of the craft, still marveling at the protection from the biting winds and spitting rains she received from Will's Energy shield, and tossed the plank overboard. It would float back to shore, and the few in Boston who knew them would mourn their deaths at sea, victims of the violent storm that drowned them.
    Judith returned to the group, her eyes wide with awe, and glanced to her fellow travelers. “The boat! It’s floating above the waves!”
    The others gasped, and Will allowed them a moment to see for themselves. He couldn’t calm the storm, but he could simulate the effects of doing so. With telekinesis, he could float the boat above the waves and eliminate the effect of the turbulent water. With an Energy shield, he could block the cold rain and biting winds. The Energy usage required to accomplish those feats wasn’t taxing, but he didn't want to stay in one place for long. When the group returned from observing the marvel Judith had described, he had them form a circle and hold hands. Once the circle was complete, he floated them above the surface of the ship, allowed the boat to fall into the water, and fired a bolt of Energy straight down through the craft. It began to sink instantly.
    They wouldn't be around to see it happen.
    Will teleported them all aboard the Nautilus , watching the reactions. The encounters he’d had with each of the six over the past two years included conversations about advanced technology, about the Energy lying dormant within them, Energy that would enable them to do things they believed impossible. They'd doubted him, of course, until he'd trickled a bit of Energy into them, raising an eyebrow to let them know that sudden warmth they felt wasn't their imagination. Repeated "chance" encounters led to more questions, and more answers, until at long last each of them expressed a readiness and willingness to leave Boston behind for a completely new life.
    They had no family and few friends to mourn them. Will had indicated that there would be no return trips to Boston for them in their mortal lifetime, though they could certainly travel elsewhere. Of course, they'd all have the opportunity to live many lifetimes. Once they'd lived long enough to ensure no one remained in Boston who might recognize them, they'd be able to return if they wished.
    Once the faces of amazement, the shrieks, and the disorientation eased, the passengers glanced around at their new surroundings. “Where are we?” Aaron asked.
    “We're on a boat.”
    Peter glanced around. “I don't see any water, though.” He sniffed. “I don't smell any water, either.”
    Will nodded, motioning to something behind Peter. “The water is over there.”
    The six turned around, moving slowly toward the screen, eyes wide. “But… if that's water… then…” Peter seemed unable to vocalize his thoughts.
    “We're under the water,” Will said, finishing the thought. “That’s correct.”
    Peter stared at Will. The look on his face made it clear he thought Will had gone mad. When he realized Will wasn't joking, he began shouting. “We're drowning! We're going to die!” Peter raced around the main cabin, opening doors, looking for an exit that didn't exist. When he realized he was trapped, he raced to the giant screen and started beating on the glass.
    The others watched him in silence. They turned to Will, who merely shrugged. “It's a bit of an unusual concept. He'll get used to the idea.”
    Peter finally realized he'd never break through the clear surface or, perhaps, that doing so and subjecting himself to an unknown depth of water wasn't the best of ideas. He stopped, and then became aware of the six pairs of eyes watching his every move, with expressions ranging from horror to amusement.
    He looked at the ground. “Er… sorry about that.”
    Will nodded. “Quite understandable. I assure you, you're perfectly safe.”
    Peter nodded, the abject terror finally out of his system. “Just

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