you to everyone too.”
This was the test, she had a feeling earlier when she saw the kid, but this was going to be much worse, “I don’t do kids. I don’t do tricks for parties, and I don’t like where this is going, so ask me something else.”
His eyes narrowed, and he flatly said, “You do kids now. Stop fucking around and do it.”
Deep breaths witch, remember? You can do this, just once. Right ? She shot him a look of hatred, before dropping to her knees and reaching for the little boy. “Hi, big guy, my name is Future, what’s your handle?”
To give the kid his due, he didn’t go right to her. He waited for the nod from his idol, Big Dog. He got the nod and stepped into her reach. She tried to brace herself for a sickness, or looming death. What she felt from Kevin was almost worse. The kid had been abused by an authority figure in his life, his mother. She had sold him to a man that hurt him so badly that Big Dog took him from the hospital and brought him here to live. It didn’t take much for her to find the answers the big guy wanted to know. She knew who the abuser was, thankfully Kevin had blocked most of his abuse out with the concussion that had landed him in the hospital to begin with.
She pulled back to hold him with her hands on his shoulders, and gave him a wink. “Kevin, I know what you wanted for your birthday, and I think you should have told him what you really wanted. Hang on for a minute and I’ll check, okay?” The kid cautiously nodded his head. She knew he thought she was crazy, but that was alright. She stood up and held her hand out to Big Dog.
“Kevin, age five, you found him in St. Mary’s almost a year ago. Yes, to all of your suspicions, and more. Kevin wants a question answered that only you can give him, and he is afraid to ask. Will you allow me?”
His scowl became even darker while she spoke. He held out his hand and clasped hers in the palm of his. He certainly didn’t like the idea of her possibly knowing his thoughts. She quickly filtered through his brain, until she found the little spot she was looking for and it made her smile. She pulled her hand back and nodded to Kevin.
“Ask him for what you want, kiddo, I bet he says yes.”
The little guy had such a look of hope on his face that if she wasn’t sure of the outcome, she would be as anxious as the child was. He looked at her, and she nodded again. He took a deep breath, and walked over to his hero. Big Dog tried to look friendly, but the perpetual scowl must be permanently etched into his features, because even when he crouched down to make it easier for the child to talk to him, the look remained.
“I thought you said you wanted the bike for your birthday. You should have asked for something else if you wanted it, little man.”
Kevin opened his mouth and closed it, and blurted his request. “I, I want you to be my dad, I don’t got one. You’re not afraid of nothing, and I like you bester than anyone I know. You won’t let anybody hurt me, just like a dad should, so I really wanted you to be my dad for my Happy Birthday.” He shrugged his little shoulder and finished with, “That’s all right if you don’t want to be my dad, I still like you a lot.”
The man’s head bowed for a moment. He looked at the child’s trusting face and braced body. He knew the kid was gearing up for disappointment, but he feared for his ears when he told his nephew that he wanted nothing more than to be his father. If his sister wasn’t already dead, he would have given the order himself once he found Kevin’s broken little body in the hospital.
“Kevin, look at me.” The child’s quivering lips remained closed and his brown eyes were dripping with tears, but the little boy looked up. “I want you to know I had the Suits file papers for me to adopt you two months after I got you. Who wouldn’t want a kid like you for a son? I’m glad you’re not mad at me for jumping the gun and going behind your
Sorj Chalandon, Ursula Meany Scott