
Read Bent for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Bent for Free Online
Authors: Hb Heinzer
let her know what was going on.
    First, she had to get over the fact that everyone in her life kept the fact that Micah had a child from her. Now there was a constant reminder of Micah's infidelity walking the streets of their small town. The longer she stayed here, the more likely she would run into his love child. As much as she swore she was over Micah, that thought crushed her.
    Some night out. She looked back towards the bar as she opened the door of her Pontiac to see if Micah followed her. She wasn't sure how she felt to see that he hadn't tried to come after her.
    The house was quiet when she got home. Too quiet. She still wasn't used to the stillness of living alone. She turned on her Angry Girl Music playlist on her iPad to break the silence. Even the blaring music couldn't drown the replay of everything she'd learned. She hated herself for thinking she could forgive him. She hated playing his little games with him. Those games had allowed her to feel things she hadn't felt in a long time.
    Once she settled into her new bed, she checked email on her iPad and took care of a few client requests. Images of Micah sleeping with some strange woman raced through Julia's head the entire time.
    She went to the kitchen and poured Merlot into a plastic tumbler. She hated drinking wine out of plastic. On the upside, a 32 ounce tumbler held a lot more wine than a crystal goblet.
    Back in bed, her thoughts drifted to Micah as a father. They'd talked about getting married and having kids after she was done with school. Caleb could have been their son, but now some whore was the one who gave him a child. A son. The tears she'd held back when Micah was opening up to her began to pour into the pillow she clung to.
    She swore this was the last time she would let herself cry over Micah. Eventually, the tears stopped and Julia fell asleep.
    Julia was rudely pulled out of her fitful sleep by a truck tailgate slamming below her bedroom window. As much as she wanted to go outside and unleash on the contractor for starting work at eight o'clock on a Saturday morning, she knew better. She was lethal before she had a cup of coffee and being arrested for assault probably wasn't the best way to start the weekend.
    She tried to ignore the screech of nails pulling out of wood as the remodel work began on the front porch. Once she felt the coffee working in her system, Julia ran upstairs to get dressed. She also hoped to convince the contractor that it was acceptable to start a bit later in the morning.
    The crying fit from the night before combined with too much alcohol left her eyes looking and feeling like two cherries in a bucket of spit. She dug through her bag for some Visine and splashed cold water on her face in hopes that the combination would bring some life to her face.
    Once she felt like she looked fit to be seen by another human being, she came down the stairs in a pair of white running shorts rolled at the waist paired with a purple tank top. After the day she had yesterday, a long run sounded like a good idea.
    A chill ran up Julia's spine as she stepped onto the wrap-around porch. "What the hell are you doing here?" she seethed. She was going to kill Annie when she saw her. She could deny knowing Micah was at the bar last night but there was no way she could deny knowing that he was the contractor her mother hired to fix the house.
    "Good morning to you too," he said casually, not taking his eyes off the rail cap he was removing.
    "You didn't answer me," she snapped. Micah didn't look up, just smiled and kept working. That made her even more angry.
    When Julia's posture didn't relax, Micah finally lifted his eyes, "See, here's how it works. Someone gives me money and I do work for them. In this case, Mrs. Stevens gave me a nice check and I'm going to take care of everything around here that's been neglected. What are you doing here?"
    Matching his sarcastic tone she said, "I gave Mrs. Stevens a check and she gave me the

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