Being With You (The Redemption Series)

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Book: Read Being With You (The Redemption Series) for Free Online
Authors: Hazel St. James
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Sex, BDSM, rough, bondage
then back to herself. “I’m not a doctor, and I’m damn sure not going to get in your face about something unless you ask for me to help. Otherwise, I’ll be your best friend and hold you if or when you get scared, and sit with you when you’re upset, and listen when you need to vent.”
    “Pl-u-s-s,” she drew out as she uncovered herself and climbed out of their cocoon on the couch, “I’ll feed you when you’re hungry. Come on, punk. I’ll dish up our supper and we can eat our din din on paper plates on the lovely indoor grotto we have.” Susy laughed as she motioned to their indoor patio furniture with a wave.
    Tristan didn’t immediately get off the couch, just sat there letting her words sink in. A new track that doesn’t include so many drugs…I’m not going to get into your face about something unless you ask for me to help…otherwise, I’ll be your best friend…
    Everyone else had always jumped right out and just tried taking things over and telling him what he should and shouldn’t do. It was absolutely refreshing that Susy was content to only be his friend and not try to fix all his problems. She knew now what he was capable of in the past, and it didn’t send her running for the hills. Granted, she may change her mind in a day or two or three, but her gut reaction was not of fear, not of pity, or a feeling of conquering an obstacle for him…
    Susy was happy to be with him, as he was…
    And right now, she was his best friend. And hopefully he was hers. Because the contentment that spread through his gut as he thought about it made him feel better than he’d been in more than a month.

Chapter Six

    T he ensuing party that night wasn’t obscenely crazy, but their next door neighbors did come over to ask them to keep it down, but then they stayed to have a few drinks as well. Tristan started mixing up and passing out shots galore to the group, and even had a chance to talk with one of Susy’s older friends who was into fitness. He was a wealth of information and the pair talked for a long time.
    Tristan found himself good and plastered at midnight, and was just thinking about ending the party when Susy’s friend Shane started a drinking game in the dining room. Knowing he’d reached his limit, he didn’t join in, but stood behind Susy’s chair and watched her, practically growling when she repeatedly lost and had taken quite a few shots of tequila in her little body in a short amount of time. Not feeling like taking his roommate to the hospital for alcohol poisioning, he called out, “Last time” and gave all the other players a stern look so they knew Susy had had enough.
    They were playing a shot pyramid. The last person had to put the remaining full glass on the top or risk taking the entire round of shots for the table if he or she failed. The number of people sitting at the table made it almost like Susy was bound to get hammered no matter which way things went, and he was all but ready to toss the fucker out the door who started this game.
    Of course, Susy couldn’t get her shaking arms to place the last glass on the pyramid, and the four remaining shots were passed over to her. Tristan pulled her chair out before she could take the first one and hoisted her out of her seat. “You could fucking kill someone with this game. No more. She’s done.”
    The guys sitting on either side of Susy agreed and one even added, “Yeah…I don’t remember the rules of this game being quite like this Shane. She’s had enough.”
    “Fucking pussies,” Shane told them as he stood up and his chair went toppling behind him. “I can easily put these last four away. You guys just can’t handle yourself.” He started to reach for the pile of shots across the table and Tristan made a quick decision that he didn’t want anyone leaving his house completely bombed like that. But Susy had already passed out in his arms and he couldn’t risk setting her down in her room before disposing of the

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