Ionosphere in a state of flux from the Screen; the weather basically stayed the same year-round. New Judah’s meteorological features were so predictable that they had it timed to ticts. The Weath-girl always told the exact times there would be inclement conditions, like rare bursts of rain or even rarer snow; and when they would promptly leave.
The other reason is because, in spite of all the structure and regimen that the Academy powers thrust upon the entire populous, the Weath-girl was just there, telling information that was already common knowledge. It is information that is instantly beamed into the electronic brains of every android and servile robot, as well as found plastered on every progscreen. Canopies throughout New Judah automatically retract in times of bright and re-advance in times of rain or snow. Point blank: the Weath-girl was unneeded and served no purpose. This thought of a nonsensical action on the part of the Academy actually delighted Beaver greatly. Even though she too had an electron-eye, it was because of this irrationality on the part of the Academy; that he always perceived her as a rebel that did not conform to the system.
In short, Beaver2416 was a fan.
“ Now back to you, Timore18 …” the Weath-girl said, as once again the sightglas shifted.
Beaver rolled his eyes and said to himself--“ do it. ”
This was because he knew what was going to happen next.
The commentator stood up from his Lev-desk and approached the sightglas with a beaming, plastic smile.
“ Good dark to you all! And remember, all you cats and kittens out there … Strength, Discipline, and Order--SdotG!” Timore18 said, ending with a motion like swinging a golf club.
“ Heathen … ” Beaver grumbled quietly, as he shook his head.
The progscreen then flashed the words-- now with honor, rise for our anthem and Great Master. Once again Academicis meis, mi Adoráte’ blared throughout the streets of Westbrook, only this time it was pre-recorded.
Beaver always felt this was so arrogant.
They just played the boring thing when the G.M. did his banter … why do they always have to play it again?-- He thought to himself.
The progscreen flashed with images of valor, conflict, and the G.M. as he stood motionless and agitated. As the G.M. finished his hand waving and plastic smiles, he turned to look at a stylized, ani-map of the Academy conquered lands. A single tear fell from his left eye, just as the music stopped, signifying his love for his creation. Tim said, it was because a bug flew into his eye when they were filming. Beaver always had to restrain himself for laughing out loud when he saw it nightly, ever since he told him that.
Beaver as well as the victual android, raised their arms and said in unison “SdotG . ” The progscreen then faded to black, and the entire house fell silent. Beaver then began counting out loud. Usually it happened at the number twelve however, he had made it as far as twenty seven before.
“ 12 … 13 … 14 …” then Beaver was suddenly interrupted.
“ Time for slumber Beaver2416 … bed is preparatory .” Viki stated.
Beaver once again laughed at the victual android’s broken English. Many times he would just lie there staring at the walls, however this dark he was ready for bed. He started walking down the short hallway that led to the slumber room. Past the halfway point, an articulated ceil-bot dropped in front of his face, near the threshold of the sleep chamber.
“ Did you sanitize yet ?” it said already knowing the answer.
“ No. ” Beaver interjected, as he did every dark.
“Then march , mister!” the ceil-bot demanded, pointing towards the Basintory .
The Basintory was a small room adjacent to the slumber room. It had a steel mirror and a Lev-basin. The Lev-basin is a multi-purpose sanitation and sanitizing installation. It is used to capture human bodily waste as well as for the purpose of mouth sanitization with its long, jointed robotic