Beautiful Dream

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Book: Read Beautiful Dream for Free Online
Authors: Paige Laurens
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, Romantic
us into a position at a school for the twelve-week student teaching credit, which in turn can lead to a full time position, and in some cases, a full ride to a Master’s degree.
    I flip through the tiny syllabus, trying to catch up to where they are, thanks to my lateness. I mill through the written advice, about how to look for and get a job in your preferred school district, until I finally reach the correct page, where he’s outlining the local schools that are known to hire student teachers. That’s when I can’t help but overhear the two girls talking lowly behind me. They apparently spent their entire break securing slots at two of the most sought after Boston schools.
    I sink back into my chair. Why didn’t I spend my break doing the same? Why was I so careless as to spend the last week of my time off focusing on a guy, rather than my own future?
    I let my head fall into my hands, cursing a teacher with crystal blue eyes.
    I’ve been making out with Luke for ten minutes now. Not that I’m counting. His hands keep wandering lower and lower, while I discreetly try to move them up further and further. I will myself to be into it, trying to ignore the bulge in his pants as his hand brushes my shoulder. I flinch, backing away, because his touch feels off.
    “So,” he pulls his mouth away from mine at last. His voice is low, a poor attempt at being seductive.
    “I’m sorry,” I whisper as water pools in my eyes.
    “What’s wrong?”
    “I’m just tired,” I sigh, swallowing my tears. “It was a long break and a long drive yesterday, and a really long day today.”
    His phone buzzes in his pocket, and I briefly catch the name. I know he has a ton of girls who are friends, especially in the sorority his frat is closest with. The problem is, I really don’t care.
    I want to care.
    He laughs at the text, and I will myself to be jealous, letting myself know that he’s going to ditch me right now for one of them. Maybe they’ll even do stuff. We never talked about being exclusive. That should matter! He’s practically your boyfriend!
    Why doesn’t it matter?
    “I’m gonna get going then,” he stammers.
    Ask him where he’s going!
    “Okay,” I smile.
    “I mean, I can stay,” he offers. “I’m sort of tired too.”
    “No, no,” I shake my head as I stand, climbing over him. “It’s okay.”
    He kisses my cheek before sliding his sneakers on and leaving.
    I immediately fall onto my bed and let the waterworks flow. I wish I could just feel normal again.

Chapter 2
    Going to dinner with Luci was unbelievable. I can’t even believe it happened. I can only dream that this is me on my way towards getting a second chance.
    When she was my student, everything was wrong, but oh so, so right . It’s as if life was saying a big fuck you, giving me a glimpse of what love and happiness can look like, but in a twisted way, and for only a short period of time. Maybe that’s all I deserved, but I’m determined to make amends now.
    I can’t help my dumbass grin as I head to the main office to check my mail. I’m careful as I go down the hall at this unfamiliar time. Typically, I spend lunch locked in my office, like the hermit I’ve become, and now that I left my confines I don’t know who I may run into.
    Mark Chevy has been trying to get me to commit to next year’s track schedule, Jane Finch wants to meet about the next department head meeting, and really, isn’t the meeting supposed to be the meeting? What’s the point of a meeting before a meeting? Nevertheless, she’s my boss, and the principal, so I have no choice.
    Worse of all, I can run into my sister, who will either talk about someone I should be set up with for her upcoming engagement party, or the upcoming wedding itself.
    I round the last corner and come to a halt. My good mood instantly turns to dread as I spot Brittney St. James approaching from the opposite direction. If there’s anyone, out of all the

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