Battleground Mars

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Book: Read Battleground Mars for Free Online
Authors: Eric Schneider
Tags: Science-Fiction
Yet it had worked, the precious mineral was shipped back to Tauron on their transports. The atmosphere on Granat’s home planet was already showing signs of recovery. Until the humans arrived. They were searching for the same mineral, for they were also desperate for the trevanium for their own planet. They even dared to claim this planet as theirs. After the initial skirmishes, they’d met to discuss terms. It was difficult, they had no common language or speech patterns, so they used sign language. But they came away without an agreement, Tauron needed the greater part of the Mars resources and the humans insisted that the planet was theirs by right of its position in their own solar system. There was only one solution, if the humans would not retreat, they must be destroyed. He made a last check of the ground they would fight on. Then he nodded to his men.

    * * *

    They’d been on Mars for eighteen months, with only mixed results. Every crew was working harder to make up the quotas, the bonuses were astronomical. But there were only six months left in which to achieve the targets. It meant they’d have to take risks. Grant Merkel was excited, the trevanium deposit looked better than anything he’d seen for several weeks. It was worth the risk of travelling further from base camp, despite the warnings. The colony manager had protested when he told them where he was going.
    “Grant, there’s been a lot of Tauron activity in that sector, it’s too much of a risk.”
    He grinned at his boss, Jacques Fechter. Drilling crews were contractors, and technically they could drill where they wanted. Jacques could only advise them, and he knew it.
    “We’re going there, Jacques. The recent samples showed a strong concentration of the mineral in that area. Besides, there hasn’t been a Tauron attack in several months. I think we’ve got them beat.”
    Fechter shook his head. “No way, my friend. They’re anything but beat, our recon team picked up transmissions that suggest a new military squad has arrived from Tauron to reinforce their mining operation. We think they could be planning more attacks.”
    Merkel looked exasperated. “Jacques, I respect what you say, but we’ve had a lean time lately. When the relief gets here my boys want to go home with their boots filled with money. I promise you we’ll be careful in the Nepenthe Valley, and if there’s any sign of trouble we’ll come back. If the Taurons are already there we’ll stay away and find another drilling site. How’s that?”
    Fechter shook his head. “You know I can’t stop you, so I’ll have to let you go, but at the first sign of trouble, get out.”
    Technically, it wasn’t true. He could stop Merkel’s team by voiding their contract, but once that was done they wouldn’t be allowed to drill before the relief ship arrived with the General Manager of mining operations to re-negotiate it. That would mean he would lose many months of production, that wasn’t possible if they were to earn the big bonus when they returned to Earth.
    “Make sure you’re well armed, Grant,” he ended lamely. What more could he do?
    “We’ll be fine. I guarantee we’ll come back overloaded with trevanium this time.”
    Grant took a last look around the rig and signaled to his crew. “Start the drill, Eddy, as soon as we’ve gone down the first thousand feet, get the vacuum retrieval system working. Let’s pull what we came for and get out quick.”
    “Suits me, boss.” Eddy Moss, his toolpusher, felt uneasy. What was it about this place? Why had none of the other teams not drilled here before, all of the surveys showed it to be a viable site? He’d like to finish this job fast and get back to base for a cold beer. He made himself concentrate on steering the complicated series of rods and drill bits, for the last thing they wanted was a break. Crews were stationed on Mars for two years at a time, which mean everything they needed had to be

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