Battle Earth

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Book: Read Battle Earth for Free Online
Authors: Nick S. Thomas
Tags: Science-Fiction
colony but has limited military deployment. No order has gone out for us yet, that means my hands are tied. However, that does not stop normal procedure. I am despatching your company to the Moon colony for a training exercise.”
    “Yes, Sir.”
    “Let me be clear, officially this is a training mission. Unofficially, we just don’t know what to expect. Be sure to take a full armament of live ammunition and all the gear you’ll need. I pray that this is all just a misunderstanding, but let us make sure we are ready for anything!”
    “Yes, Sir, I’ll get on it!”
    “I have already cleared you for departure and the stores have been ordered to give all that you ask, they are aware that this is a live fire exercise. You report only to me directly on this, get going ASAP!”
    The General nodded in gratitude, he was glad to have officers who he could rely on. He strode off leaving Taylor stood considering his situation. He understood the General would only ask it of him if there were serious danger to the colony. On the other hand he knew that a single company was a meagre force to defend anything.
    Walking back to the drill square he stopped in front of his company, the men eagerly awaiting some news. The General’s vehicle was already coasting into the distance. He looked around, nobody but his unit in sight.
    “Stand easy and come forward!”
    The men looked surprised not to be dismissed as per regulations and norm. They huddled around in a circle around the Major. He turned, looking at all their faces.
    “We are deploying immediately to the Moon colony. That much is no secret. However, officially we are on a live fire training exercise. Unofficially, I want every one of you on guard and ready to fight. The General has entrusted us with a mission and we will get it done. I want you formed up in one hour, full kit, including counter pressure suits, masks, the lot. Ammunition is on its way. That will be all. Get to it!”
    The men initially looked a little dazed, but they quickly snapped out of it as the Sergeants began barking their orders to get the men moving. Suarez moved up to the Major with a puzzled expression on his face.
    “What the hell’s going on? A few days ago it was high alert, now officially a training mission?”
    “Top brass hasn’t got a clue what is going on and nobody is keen to give them answers. The General is concerned that we don’t sit idle if a threat exists.”
    “Fine, but one company? If there is any major military threat, what could we even do?”
    Taylor turned to him, more than irritated by his constant questions and petty nature.
    “A damn sight more than scientists and civilians, that’s for sure. Now, kit up, we’ve got a job to do, Lieutenant!”
    Suarez straightened himself realising how foolish he was being. Not only that, he was questioning the orders of his superiors. He saluted quickly before rushing off to gather his equipment. Taylor stood and watched as his company scattered to fulfil their tasks. He was not at all comfortable with their orders.
    Through the minor combat and policing actions which the Major had participated, they had always done so with substantial intel. He had little idea what to expect on the Moon colony and that concerned him. Training for immediate deployment was a regular part of their training, so Taylor was glad to see that the entire company was formed up with its gear in thirty-five minutes. They were ready before their transport had even arrived.
    The Major paced up and down the square, looking out at his company. They sat about with their equipment stacked in lines, impatiently waiting for the vehicles. Taylor turned to see Sergeant Eleanor Parker walking up to him. He stopped pacing in surprise. He’d always found it difficult to be her superior when they had slept together after more than one operation. Not only that, but she was supposed to be recovering from a broken arm sustained in training.
    Parker was shorter and slighter than

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