Bait and Switch
part?" she asks. "Do you feel drained by spending time with I tell her I'm not sure and, ever so tactfully, that I don't really people? Or energized?"
    see the point of this. Never mind that the ENTJ version of me bears no resemblance to the emotional, artistic, melancholy, ing only with a mocking "Helloo-oo-oo?"
    and envious neurotic revealed by Morton's WEPSS test, which of Unless I can fake a bomb attack on my home, we have twenty-five course goes unmentioned here.
    minutes to go, which I would rather not spend being bullied into
    "The point is," she interjects, "that it gives you language!"
    "owning," as she puts it, my inner commandant. I have a She directs me to open the booklet that she had sent me along question prepared. Over our several sessions so far, I have intuited with the test, Introduction to Type in Organizations, second that she wants me to be more like her: upbeat, cheery, "in the edition. After some scuffling with the detritus on my desk, I moment," and excruciatingly overreactive. In my web searches, I find it and turn to page 31, as instructed. There I find a list of have come across several enjoinders to, in fact, become more the organizational qualities of ENTJs, including "take charge Kimberly-like if I intend to land a job. One such site, called quickly," "develop well-thought-out plans," and "run as much of Professionals in Transition, features an article on developing a the organization as possible." "So?" I ask.
    "winning attitude," which advises that
    "You can say it in your resume!" she responds, and I begin to your personal attitude will determine the ultimate success of your job campaign. If you are angry with your former em-detect just the slightest impatience with me.
    ployer, or have a negative attitude, it will show. Studies have shown I tell her I can't say I develop well-thought-out plans just that the hiring process is over 90% emotional. In other words, if I because this test says I do, and we toss that one around for a like you, I may hire you. If you are perceived as being hostile, few minutes, with her insisting it's who I am. "Well, I don't negative or carrying significant emotional baggage, it will send a mixed message that can significantly hinder your job campaign think I can walk into some new situation and announce that I efforts.
    can take charge or that I'm a natural leader."
    The idea that hiring decisions are "90% emotional" is deeply
    "Why not?"
    discouraging. What happened to skills and achievements? But if a
    "Because it sounds boastful."
    winning attitude is what I need, I am determined to develop And now she can no longer suppress the irritation, answer-one, so I ask Kimberly how to go about this.

    Maybe it's hard for her to imagine not having one, because This takes my breath away. She might as well have in-she immediately wants to know what stands in my way. "Like what structed me to amputate my legs at the knees. I mourn for Barbara are you worried about?"
    Alexander, who had been fluffing up so nicely and now must be
    "My age, for one thing."
    contracted into a thirty-seven-year-old midget. It has to be done,
    "So the trick is to make your age a nonissue. What age though; all references to a life prior to 1989 must be expunged would you like to be?"
    from my resume.
    I tell her I'm fine with my current age, but clearly it doesn't Even more staggering is my other major "takeaway" from this meet her standards. She goes off into an explanation of the dif-session (I'm at least picking up some jargon): that I am not the only ference between "biological" and "chronological" age, and phony in the job-searching business. What I've been learning will not be budged by my insistence that I am happy to be who from Kimberly and to a certain extent also from the stolid I am, thank you. "Wouldn't you say you feel like thirty-seven?"
    Joanne is how to lie—how to plump up an undistinguished Actually, I feel much better than I did at thirty-seven, but, what resume, how to

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