Bad Sisters

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Book: Read Bad Sisters for Free Online
Authors: Rebecca Chance
Tags: Fiction, General,
between them. ‘Overdosed, didn’t she?’
    Deeley had been too nervous of the woman to call a halt to the conversation before, but somehow the mention of her mother started to ring alarm bells inside her head. This woman knew a lot about her mother and Bill, and she had clearly not just been walking down the street when she saw Deeley standing in front of the house and stopped for a chat. She found herself glancing down at the woman’s feet, and realized that what she’d taken for Uggs weren’t boots at all. They were slippers. Big furry pink slippers.
    The woman had seen her from inside her house, somewhere down the road. Had grabbed her packet of fags and nipped out to confront Deeley without even bothering to put some outside shoes on, though it had rained earlier and the pavement was still damp.
    The alarm bells inside Deeley’s skull were ringing even louder now.
    ‘I should really be going,’ she said. ‘I’ve got a train to catch.’ She would have looked at her watch, to pantomime checking the time, but it was a diamond-studded Piaget, a gift from Nicky two Christmases ago, and she sensed very strongly that the best place for it right now was tucked invisibly under the cuff of her sweater.
    ‘We remember you girls,’ the woman said conversationally, ignoring Deeley’s words. ‘Three of you, there were. One married some MP . . .’ She spat over her shoulder, an impressive amount of phlegm spattering on the pavement. ‘And the middle one’s on telly. Married that rugby player, got a bit lardy. And you’ve done well for yourself too, eh? That isn’t hard to spot. You’ve got a bit of a nerve coming back here all dressed up like that, Deeley McKenna.’
    Deeley couldn’t help it; she jumped at the mention of her name. The woman smiled slyly.
    ‘Oh yes, not much gets past me,’ she said. ‘Memory like an elephant.’ She tapped the side of her head with one garishly painted, long, chipped nail. ‘It goes in here and it doesn’t come out. Takes me a while, sometimes, but I don’t forget a name or a face.’
    She leaned in towards Deeley, the beer and nicotine on her breath so strong that Deeley had to try hard not to gag.
    ‘So, Deeley McKenna, you turn around right now and go back where you came from. Somewhere a lot better than this, I’m sure. You stay away from us and we’ll stay away from you. There’s nothing left for you in this shithole. Is there?’
    The last two words shot out like bullets from a gun; the woman’s head jerking forward on her neck like a turkey’s, shoving her face even closer to her target. Deeley gulped, taken completely by surprise, aware that the woman was staring up at her with absolute intent, taking in every nuance of Deeley’s response and analyzing it with a precision that would have done credit to a CIA interrogator.
    ‘No!’ she answered automatically, because it was the truth. There was nothing for her here. Nothing but a crumbling pebbledash semi with an overgrown sycamore tree in the back garden. Nothing but a few memories that she couldn’t trust anyway.
    The head backed away. The woman nodded, the first smile Deeley had seen on her face momentarily twisting her lips. It wasn’t a nice smile at all. Deeley could happily have lived without ever seeing it.
    ‘Good,’ she said slowly, throwing the second cigarette into the street with a flick of her fingers. ‘So off you go, then. First left, left again when you see Burger King, and down the parade back to the station. Back to your nice smart life with all your money and your rich men buying you things. And you tell your sisters that one visit was enough. None of us wants to see you back here, walking around all dressed up like you’re better than us. If I see you round here again, I won’t be so friendly. You got the fucking red carpet this time, young lady. Don’t expect it again.’
    She turned away, expecting no reply and getting none; her message had been delivered loud and clear. And

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