B01DCAV4W2 (S)

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Book: Read B01DCAV4W2 (S) for Free Online
Authors: Aleron Kong
Tags: Science-Fiction, adventure, Science Fiction & Fantasy, cyberpunk
walking by and picked up that something was afoot.  The number of Richter’s spectators had grown.  He set both the ingot and the Core down so he could drink a Potion of Clarity.   Between having given Basil a large number of vials and having shared them around with his comrades in the dungeon, his stores had taken a serious hit.  Sometime in the next couple weeks he would have to make another run to his hidden glen.
    He picked up both the ingot and Core up again and held them together over the anvil.  His villagers held their collective breath at the chance to see such an amazing item created.  He gained the prompt again asking him if he would like to create the Magic Forge.  This time he chose ‘Yes.’
    The surface of the anvil began to ripple.  The movement concentrated into a circle which began to spin counterclockwise.  The disc shaped portion of the anvil spun into a whirlpool that seemed to drain away into the rest of the anvil. A hole was left in the top of the anvil.  The Magic Core’s clockwork mechanisms came alive.  The sphere vibrated and its internal workings began to emit a thrum that could be heard by all present.
    The sphere slowly lifted up from Richter’s hand.  The red and white light that normally seemed to slowly seep from the cracks in the gears that comprised the Core grew brighter.  It slowly floated towards the hole in the anvil and gently settled inside.  Once it had disappeared from view, the elementum ingot started to grow warm.  That warmth quickly grew into a scorching heat.  Richter would have dropped it, but the metal flowed into a thick and sticky green gel like substance. 
    Richter began to shake his hand trying to dislodge the colloidal metal.  When he began to smell cooking meat though, he abandoned all pretense and just started screaming.
    “Oh my god!  What the fuck!  Fuck!  It’s burning me!  It’s burning ME!  Get this fucking Nair off of me!!!!”
    Richter was hopping from one foot to the other at this point, while waving his hand wildly up and down at this point.  If any other Chaos Seeds had been present they might have thought he was a reenacting the signature dance from Criss Cross’s “Jump Around.”  They would have been wrong though.
    As quickly as the heat built, it vanished.  The malleable elementum became even more fluid and flowed off of Richter’s hand.  It didn’t drop and pool on the floor though, like everyone expected.  Instead it seemed almost alive.  The stream of clear green metal flowed around the anvil, sometimes stopping in front of a villager and coalescing for a moment before moving on.  Everyone present watched the dancing metal in silence until it gathered in the shape of a sphere over the anvil.
    It spun in silence for several seconds and Richter took the time to cast Slow Heal on himself.  The worst of the pain abated, but didn’t vanish completely.  It probably had something to do with the “Seared” status icon that appeared in the corner of his vision.  The villagers had just started looking around wondering what would happen next when the sphere lost cohesion and the liquid metal dropped in a loud splash upon the anvil.
    The black iron began to vibrate.  Before everyone’s eyes, it increased horizontally in size.  It kept growing until it was twice its original width and length.  Luckily it remained the same height, otherwise working metal upon it would have been logistically difficult.  It ultimately was uniformly the clear dark green of elementum.  The changes did not stop there however.  The vibrations that were shaking the anvil spread.  Like a drop of wine onto white cloth, the alterations leeched into the floor around the anvil.  Before anyone could react, the transformation spread beneath the feet of everyone present and extended to the walls, climbing up in an expanding wave until the edges met again on the ceiling. 
    Everyone looked around in surprise and wonder.  The smithy had

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