formula for financial independence in Network Marketing.
Your ability to get a large group of people to consistently do a few simple things over an extended period of time.
It was this formula that helped me break out of Network Marketing mediocrity, and it will help you do the same.
For years, I focused and depended on my ability to persuade people to join me. Then I graduated to finding a few key leaders I could train to do what I was doing. And finally, I learned the formula I just gave you and began to focus on getting a large group of people to consistently do just a few simple things and to keep doing them. When that happened, everything changed for the better.
Those are the fundamentals. Let’s take a moment to talk about the emotions of inviting. There are four basic rules.
Rule Number One
You must emotionally detach yourself from the outcome. This is extremely important. Remember, our initial goal is education and understanding. It’s not getting a new customer or signing a new distributor. In other words, if you disconnect your emotions from that outcome and just focus on education and understanding, everything gets very simple.
This sounds easy, but it’s difficult to do. All of us come into this business with the hope of recruiting some great people. It’s hard to disconnect from those expectations. But you need to remember, we’re not hunters. We’re not sharks. Our job is to educate people and help them understand what we have to offer. We act as consultants offering suggestions on how people can live a better life.
If you focus on getting a customer or new distributor, you’ll constantly be disappointed and you’ll find your prospects running away from you.
If you focus on education and understanding, you’ll have fun and your prospects will enjoy the experience.
Rule Number Two
Be yourself. So many people become a different person when they start inviting. This makes everyone uncomfortable. Be yourself. Just focus on being your best self.
Rule Number Three
Bring some passion. Enthusiasm is contagious. It’s okay to get a little bit fired up. Get focused. Listen to some music that inspires you. Smile when you’re on the phone. I assure you, your positive emotion will translate into better results.
Rule Number Four
Have a strong posture. This was a big one for me. At first I was so insecure. I didn’t think anyone would take me seriously. But as I watched the professionals, I noticed their posture. They were bold. They were confident. They were strong.
So I decided to be bold as well. I stopped apologizing all the time. Instead of saying, “Yes, I know I’ve had a lot of jobs so far in my life, but I’m hoping this will be the change I’ve been looking for,” I started saying “Guess what? I’m sick and tired of the life I’ve led up until this point and I’ve decided to take charge. I wouldn’t bet against me because I’m serious.” Do you feel the difference?
Be yourself, but be a bolder self. Be yourself, but be a stronger self. Be yourself, but be a more confident self—at least when you’re inviting. I found I could do that for short periods of time at the beginning and, just like building a new muscle, I could eventually do it longer and longer until it became a part of me.
So now that we’ve set the stage, let’s go through the invitation formula. This formula is designed to be used over the phone or face to face. It’s NOT to be used with texting, email, or any other communication tool—just on the phone or face to face. This can work with your warm market prospect (someone you know) or cold market prospects (someone you meet while living your life). I’ll give you examples for both.
There are eight steps to a professional invitation. That might sound complicated, but with a little practice, you’ll find it’s an easy skill to master.
Step One: Be in a hurry
Step Two:
Kenneth Copeland, Gloria Copeland