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Book: Read B00CAXBD9C EBOK for Free Online
Authors: Jackie Collins
    Just then the telephone rang. Linda suddenly felt very hot and flushed. Supposing it was Paul? Should she answer it, or would it be best to let David pick it up, and then maybe Paul would hang up. She was convinced it was him.
    David swooped down on it and barked into the receiver, ‘Yes?’
    Linda held her breath, while David launched into a long conversation with someone from his office. She took advantage of his preoccupation on the phone and dressed.
    When he had finished talking, he seemed a little calmer.
    ‘Do you want some breakfast?’ she asked.
    ‘No. I have to make some calls. There’s this party tonight to launch the Beauty Maid soap product; I had forgotten all about it. You had better meet me at the office at seven, and we’ll go from there. I hope to Christ nobody saw your publicity.’
    She groaned inwardly at the thought of another party, and then mentally planned her day, which included being at home to greet the children and a visit to the hairdresser’s.
    David meanwhile had his own thoughts. Claudia would most certainly be at the party, she was being paid to be there. He wondered if it would be possible for him to effect a quiet reconciliation without everyone in the room noticing. Had to be sure that Linda didn’t become suspicious, she seemed to be getting a little too concerned about him being away so much. Maybe she was beginning to suspect him, although this seemed unlikely, as he had managed to get away with various affairs throughout the years and she had never found him out yet. At least he would be able to see Claudia. He started to make his business calls.
    * * *
    The children burst back into the house at exactly four o’clock. Linda’s father was always prompt. She had just returned from the hairdresser’s, and Stephen flung his small, wiry body at her, practically knocking her down.
    ‘We’ve had a smashing time, Mummy,’ he exclaimed. ‘I’m starving. What’s for tea? Grandma makes lovely cakes!’
    His sister, Jane, gave Linda a small kiss. She was six and rather shy. ‘I’m glad we’re home, Mummy. Your hair looks all pretty. Are you and Daddy going out?’
    Linda greeted her father and they sat and chatted while Ana served tea and the children rushed around rediscovering their various toys.
    She was only half listening as her father droned on about Stephen’s and Jane’s activities during the weekend. She thought about Paul. What did he think of her? Why
he telephoned? What would she say if he phoned and David was there?
    Finally her father left, and when the children were settled with Ana, having their dinner, she began to get ready. Just as she was about to leave the house, the telephone rang. She so expected it to be Paul that she felt herself break out in a sweat and her hand started to shake as she picked up the receiver. ‘Hello.’
    ‘Hello, darling, it’s Monica. How about you , then! Aren’t
the dark horse! Fancy leaving us yesterday and not saying a word about where you were going. What does David think about it all?’
    ‘Oh,’ replied Linda, ‘he’s not too pleased.’
    Monica laughed. ‘Not to worry. Jack and I think it’s marvellous. Anyway, sweetie, we’re having a few people over after dinner tonight, and we would
you and David to come.’
    ‘I don’t know, Monica. We have to go to a press party launching the new soap product. I can’t say what time we’ll be able to get away.’
    ‘Never mind. Just come along when you’re finished. You know us, we’re
late.’ She gave no chance to protest. ‘See you later, then. Bye.’
    Linda replaced the receiver. She really wasn’t too fond of Monica and Jack, and certainly didn’t feel like seeing them later. However, she would have to tell David, and he would probably want to go.
    She left the house in a bad mood, with a headache, half-angry and half-relieved that Paul hadn’t phoned. She desperately wanted him to, otherwise, what had it all been? A

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