Aurora Rose Lynn

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Book: Read Aurora Rose Lynn for Free Online
Authors: Witch Fire
only confirmed Celestine’s thoughts. Dancing with a Maypole wasn’t much fun when what she wanted was to hold a man’s thickening cock in her small hand. She ground her heel into the dirt and whirled around, intent on finding her way back to the castle. She’d been set up. How could she trust another woman to set up a tryst? Celestine trudged off toward the castle.
    Angelet ran up behind her and grabbed her hand. “You’re such a silly goose. The one you desire will be at the Maypole searching for you. There’s no need to get upset with me for not keeping my word.”
    Celestine suddenly felt foolish. She should have known her maid wouldn’t pull a trick on her. Angelet was the sweetest and most honest woman she had ever met. She turned back and followed her toward the beribboned Maypole where men and women were taking hold of the ribbons in their fists. Angelet paused, apparently calculating and then hurried forward, stopping to rest a sapphire blue ribbon on Celestine’s upturned palm. “Hang onto this and the rest will take care of itself.” Just as the girl with the wreaths had earlier, she disappeared into the rapidly gathering crowd. Everyone seemed to be talking and laughing at once. There was no shortage of merriment today.
    Celestine stood near the wooden maypole and took in the sights and sounds contrasting them to the life of the castle where the inhabitants were normally sullen and quiet. Music from lyres, tambourines, and the sound of ribald singing caught her up in the joyful event.
    “Here I lie between your thighs,” a bald man sang slightly off key. “Going high.”
    He’d made the song up but his spirit lacked nothing in the rendering. Celestine found herself giggling and enjoyed the release the sound gave her.
    Soon the immediate circle around the maypole thinned out leaving only the men and women who held ribbons. Two circles, an inner and an outer one, had formed. Celestine felt the press of bodies and quickened breathing around her.
    “Are you all ready?” a woman cried out as she raised her hand into the air and waved.
    Everyone turned in her direction and shouted, “Yea!”
    “You all know what you must do. Weave your ribbon as you walk in and out of the folks coming at you. When the ribbon is wound as tight as it will go around the maypole, you’ll each be paired with your chosen counterpart for the day. The goddess decrees you begin!” She clapped her hands together.
    The silence ended and the cacophony began. Everyone started laughing, clapping, and catcalling at the same time. Barking and howling, the dogs joined in. Children screamed at the top of their lungs and the maypole dancers started to move in the loosely defined circle, their bodies passing within inches of each other. The ribbon Celestine held became shorter and shorter and soon she was forced to reach up above her head to keep twining the ribbon she held. When it would go no further, she came face to face with a virile, golden-haired man whose massive shoulders strained against the fabric of his tunic. All she could do was stare into the man’s dark gray eyes, noting the green flecks sparkling in them, like small jewels.
    “So you’re the lady.”
    His voice with its underlying sensuality captivated her. She swallowed hard. Her tongue tied up in thick knots and her thoughts didn’t fare much better. Why couldn’t she speak, at least acknowledge him?
    “Who are you?” she asked softly, asking more from curiosity. Angelet was a huge proponent that the goddess favored those who believed in her.
    His sexy lips turned up slightly at the corners. “I‘m your servant for the day, and the night, if you wish it, milady. Your pleasure is my sole aim today.” He stepped forward, gallantly took her hand and scattered a trail of small kisses along her knuckles. His breath warmed her skin and made the pit of her stomach tingle with a giddy wonder.
    A pulse skittered in her throat as he lifted velvet eyebrows upward.

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