Astrid Maxxim and Her Amazing Hoverbike
over town after sunset . ”
    “ I doubt kidnappers will be waiting along the way ,” said Astrid, but complied with her mothe r’ s wishes and a short time later walked up to the front door of the Brown-Richards home.  When she rang the bell, Denis e’ s older brother Dennis opened the door.  Astrid gave the quic k“ all clea r” wave to her mom sitting in the car, and then stepped inside.
    Dennis, three years older than Astrid or Denise, was a senior at Rachel Carson High School and was one of the contenders for valedictorian.  He was class president, captain of the debating team, and vice president of the environmental club.  He was tall and muscular and played in just about every sport for which the school had a team, though his passion was swimming.
    “ Hello Astrid ,” he said, closing the door after her.  “I’ m glad yo u’ re here.  Now Denise can quit bothering me . ”
    “ I hear yo u’ re working on a big project for school ,” she said.
    “ Nothing too spectacular.  I’ m going to be one of the guides on your field trip so I have to make sure I know everything I can about the desert.  It would be just my luck to have you or Christopher in my group asking questions I ca n’ t answer . ”
    “ Finally, yo u’ re here ,” said Denise, hopping down the stairs.  “ Quit wasting time talking to him and get up here . ”
    Astrid followed her friend up to her room and they immediately jumped into the video console edition of Dream Date .  Whether he was a dream or a dud though, none of the dates, to Astri d’ s way of thinking matched up to Toby, or even Dennis.  Just before 10:00, Denis e’ s dads arrived home and they all gathered downstairs in the dining room for hot fudge sundaes.  Afterwards, Astrid climbed into Denis e’ s bed while Denise climbed into her sleeping bag.  They talked about school, boys, and hot fudge sundaes until they fell asleep.
    The next morning over a breakfast of Spanish omelets, Astrid asked Mr. Brown how the prototypes for the new hover vehicle were coming along.
    “ Give me a chance to get started, Astrid ,” he laughed.  “ I should have all of them ready by the week after next.  We may have to tweak the design to get your control systems and servos mounted.  Will you have everything ready by then ? ”
    “ I think so ,” said Astrid.  “ Do you think you could get one chassis ready by the end of this week, so I could see how the internal parts are going to fit ? ”
    “ I think so . ”   Mr. Brown replied.  “ Just remember, I’ ve got work I need to do for your Dad too . ”
    “ Thanks ,” said Astrid.  “ I ca n’ t wait till we can fly our hoverbikes all around town . ”
    “ Do n’ t you think hovercycle sounds cooler ?” asked Denise.
    “ It sounds faster and more powerful ,” said Astrid.  “ but hoverbike sounds like something fourteen year old kids could ride.  Besides, using the hoverdisks for both lift and acceleration, I doubt w e’ ll get higher than ten feet or so, or travel faster than about twenty miles per hour . ”
    “ Tha t’ s good ,” said Mr. Richards.  “ And yo u’ ll wear a helmet too . ”
    They had just finished eating when the phone rang.
    “ I t’ s for you, Astrid ,” said Mr. Richards.
    “ Hello ,” said Astrid, putting the phone to her ear.
    “ Astrid, please you must come at once.  We need you . ”
    “ Mrs. Diaz?  Wha t’ s wrong ? ”
    “ I t’ s Valerie ,” replied her frien d’ s mother.  “ Sh e’ s very sick . ”
    “ Did you call Dr. Lower ? ”
    “ No, no.  I t’ s my other Valerie . ”
    “ You mean Robot Valerie ? ”
    “ Aye, si ,” said Mrs. Diaz.  “ She feels week and she wo n’ t eat ever since you turned her into a robot . ”
    “ I did n’ t turn her into a robot !” said Astrid, exasperated.  “ Sh e’ s always been a robot . ”
    “ Please come and help her . ”
    Mr. Brown gave Astrid and Denise a lift over to the Diaz home where

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