
Read Astray for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Astray for Free Online
Authors: Amy Christine Parker
Tags: Science-Fiction, Contemporary, Young Adult
    Cody hands me my bag and then grabs my hand and together we walk toward the large set of glass doors that lead into the school. The building reminds me a lot of the hospital, all glass and concrete. There’s nothing warm or inviting about it, not like our clubhouse back home with its knotty-pine walls and large front porch lined with planters full of bright-colored flowers. Dozens of other students stream past us to the entrance. Some of them wave to Cody. All of them stare at me, not bothering tobe discreet about it. At first I try smiling at them, but this seems to make them stare even more, so I concentrate on the school building again.
    We have to walk past all of the school buses and then the van to get inside. I see Will looking out of one of the windows. I raise my hand to wave, hoping even after yesterday that things are still okay between us. He looks at me and his mouth turns up at the corners. I beam up at him.
I have Cody and Will to lean on today. I can do this
. But then Will’s eyes drift over to where Cody’s standing beside me … and then to Cody’s hand, which is still covering mine. His smile falters. It’s like watching a flower dry up and curl in on itself. I try not to fidget my hand out from under Cody’s. It’s too late now anyway. Maybe Will really has forgiven me for what happened with Pioneer, but that doesn’t mean that he’ll ever be okay about Cody. I was his Intended. He was convinced that we should get married—and I guess maybe for a time I was too, but that was before I met Cody. Now I know that we will never be anything more than just friends. I only hope that someday soon it’ll be enough for him.
    Will and the rest of the kids file out of the van and gather by a man in a pair of khakis that are a bit too snug around the middle and too short at the ankles. His shirt is straining at the buttons. Everything on him is too small, even the hair on his head. He’s deep in discussion with a small group of women. Whatever the conversation’s about, it doesn’t look like a good one. He looks agitated.
    I study the women. They look familiar. Especially the one talking. The white scarf and brown coat—it’s that Dickerson lady.
Oh no
    “It isn’t safe to have our children around them.” She folds her arms across her chest and taps one foot against the concrete. “They’re brainwashed, for God’s sake! They could be programmed to attack everyone. Mark my words, having them anywhere near this school—or this town for that matter—is inviting trouble.”
    The ladies standing with her nod their agreement.
    “We’ll pull our kids out, Ned. I can’t leave my child here knowing that at any moment those
might decide to take the end of the world into their own hands.” Her voice is stronger now that the others are nodding violently.
    “Ladies, please, try to calm down. I’ve consulted their counselors and done a good bit of research. They’re not a threat. We’ve spent the last two months making sure. They’ve been cleared to attend by the school board. Their leader was the dangerous one and he’s behind bars. But just to put everyone at ease, I’ve talked to the sheriff and he’s agreed to leave some deputies with us today and for as long as it takes until the Meadows kids get settled in. Your children will be perfectly safe.”
    Mrs. Dickerson makes a disgusted sound in her throat. “We aren’t the only parents who don’t want this.” She gestures toward the people out past the fence holding signs. “At the next board meeting we’ll be bringing it up again and at the one after that and the one after that. We won’tjust lie back and let this happen. You’re in for a battle, Ned. We don’t want them here. And if you know what’s good for your career, you shouldn’t either.”
    The man’s eyebrows knit together, but he doesn’t back down. “I’m sorry that you feel that way, ladies. Now you’ll have to excuse me. The bell’s about to

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