Ashley's Wedding

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Book: Read Ashley's Wedding for Free Online
Authors: Giulia Napoli
Tags: Erótica
immediately back up to almost full arousal. Jack kept her there as he stretched out his own pleasure, feeling the tightness within her sheath and his own mental stimulation from the changes made to his wife – changes that somehow made her even more desirable to him.
    “You are incredibly sexy, Susan,” He stated with evident conviction.
    His words immediately drove Susan over the top again. The fact that he found her sexy, perhaps sexier than ever because of the dramatic changes, was both a relief and an extraordinary turn-on to her at that moment. A vision of her new appearance blazed in her mind as she violently spasmed in sexual release. She couldn’t have called up an image of the Susan before, if her life had depended on it. That person wasn’t there anymore.
    She felt Jack’s essence pour into her in pulses again, as he allowed himself to climax with her.
    * * * * *
    It was early morning. What promised to be a bright, sunny morning was just beginning to produce dabs of light that reflected all around the large bedroom. Jack and Susan lay there, her head resting on Jack’s right shoulder, her arm draped over his chest, her body snuggled up to him. Jacks eyes opened and he looked down at her, surprised to find her eyes open. Her gaze was fixed on the closed curtains across the room. He stirred.
    “I didn’t know you were awake,” she said. Her mind seemed to be elsewhere.
    “Just opened my eyes. You sound pensive.”
    “I’m just trying to come to grips with what’s happened to me. Never, in my wildest dreams or worst nightmares, did I expect anything like what’s been done to me here.”
    “Please don’t fret anymore on my account. Sometimes the most unexpected things are life’s most interesting. I think I proved to you how outrageously I’m attracted to you – probably more now than ever. Pretty good for an old married couple, right?”
    “We’re hardly old. Don’t get me wrong. I’m relieved and delighted that you still find me attractive.
    “Somehow more attractive, I’d offer.”
    “What if it’s a passing fad?”
    “Bull shit. You could also say what if the way you looked and were before was the only way I was attracted to you? That would’ve been doomed. As time went by, you’d surely change – hell, you’d age if nothing else. I guess I found that when you change, it turns me on. For sure, the way you look right now turns me on. Besides that, I’m totally in love with the Susan in there.” He tapped her chest. “How you look at any given time is just a bonus for me. I’m, crazy about you.”
    “I’m not sure Susan is still in there.”
    “OK, Suzi then. I’ve found that I can be happy with either. Or both. Or one on one day and the other on the next …”
    “I fear that Suzi is going to win this battle.”
    “Then let her. I can accept that. What’s more important is that I want you to be happy.”
    “You seem to like me submissive, Jack”
    “You haven’t been submitting to me.”
    “True, but I’ve definitely submitted to Ashley’s will.”
    “That doesn’t seem to bother you.”
    “No … I guess it’s because I like the results. No, I’m totally turned on by the results. But what about you?”
    “I don’t know. I never thought of myself as submissive before.”
    “You weren’t.”
    “Am I now?”
    “Apparently … by your own admission.”
    “That bothers me.”
    “I wish you wouldn’t let it. Resist the urge to over-analyze what’s happening to you. I just want you to be happy – maybe go with the flow for the first time, and see where it takes you.”
    “And you like the direction so far, don’t you.” She smiled knowingly.
    “You Betcha! Besides, I’m totally secure in my love for you and yours for me. I want to live, grow and evolve with you. So far so good. No – MUCH better than that!”
    “You’re so together that it’s almost superhuman.”
    “Ah … keep the compliments coming.”
    “I guess I will if you

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