detonated just outside the Benghazi consulate compound. 3
• June 11: An RPG hit a convoy carrying the British ambassador in Benghazi. The United Kingdom left the city for good. 4
• June 15: Charlene Lamb, on Hillary’s staff, said the security team contract to protect Benghazi would not be renewed.
• June 22: Ambassador Chris Stevens warned State that extremist groups were operating in the open in Benghazi carrying out terror attacks and said he was a target.
    If a president ignored warnings of this sort and frequency, he would be excoriated as a failed commander in chief. In fact, Hillary set up the State Department bureaucracy in such a way that she would not be annoyed by such matters as requests for additional security. She testified before Congress that none of the approximately 600 requests for extra personnel in Libya and Benghazi alone ever reached her desk. 5
    In the run-up to the Benghazi attack on September 11, 2012, the Defense Department offered to increase the security at the compound in Benghazi. But Ambassador Stevens pointed out that Defense Department personnel, unlike the State Department counterparts, would not have diplomatic immunity, so he turned down their offer. He was, naturally, worried that if Defense personnel had to shoot, they could be prosecuted in a Libyan court, while Statepersonnel would be shielded. But Hillary’s State Department never came through with the additional guards he requested.
    The dreadfully eloquent film 13 Hours recounts the desperation of a handful of US troops trying to defend the CIA compound against an attack by hundreds of organized terrorists armed with mortars. As Fox News reported, when the attack in Benghazi unfolded, “a high-ranking Pentagon official urgently messaged Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s top deputies to offer military help, according to an e-mail obtained by Judicial Watch.” Fox News noted that “the revelation appears to contradict testimony Defense Secretary Leon Panetta gave lawmakers in 2013, when he said there was no time to get forces to the scene in Libya.” 6
    Actually, Panetta’s chief of staff Jeremy Bash was actively trying to get troops to Benghazi. He wrote to one of Hillary’s deputies: “I just tried you on the phone but you were all in with S [apparent reference to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton]. After consulting with General Dempsey, General Ham, and the Joint Staff, we have identified the forces that could move to Benghazi. They are spinning up as we speak.” 7 But no forces were sent. Why not? Hillary and Obama were more concerned with limiting the footprint of the operation so that it would not be so high profile that it would contradict their campaign narrative that al-Qaeda was on the ropes after bin Laden was killed. Because additional reinforcements were not sent, four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, died.
    Symptomatic of Hillary’s isolation is the unfortunate fact that Ambassador Stevens did not have Hillary’s e-mail address, so he could not figuratively have made the 3:00 a.m. phone call that Hillary’s ads say only someone of her experience would know how to handle. Then the lying started. Anxious not to alarm the country and let people figure out that al-Qaeda was far from dead even after bin Laden was slain, the president and his secretary of state conspired to lie to the American people about the attack, describing it as a demonstration against a film criticizing the Prophet Mohammed gone awry.
    Hillary not only lied to us, but she fabricated the tale of the movie demonstration and repeated it to the grieving families of the victims. Several of them reported that Hillary promised them that they would get the person who made the anti-Muslim video. The public Hillary released a statement at 10:00 p.m., as the attack was still in progress, blaming the movie for the attack. But one hour later, the private Hillary sent an e-mail to her daughter, Chelsea, saying that

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