
Read Arian for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Arian for Free Online
Authors: Iris Gower
in the yard.
    ‘Why?’ The word seemed hard, flint-like, and Eline moved to Will and put her arms around his waist, resting her head against his broad back.
    ‘I just wanted to know when I would be free,’ she said almost pleadingly. ‘The divorce, it should be over within weeks so Calvin said.’
    ‘And what else did Calvin say?’ Will’s voice held a chill. ‘Did he ask you to come back to him? Did he tell you he still wanted you?’
    ‘Please, Will, I meant it for the best but I see now it was a mistake,’ Eline said quickly, fear sending wings of pain through her.
    Will turned suddenly and pushed her away from him. ‘He did, don’t deny it, he said he wanted you. Did he hold you in his arms, did he kiss you Eline?’
    ‘No,’ she said miserably, aware that she did not want to lie to Will but too afraid to explain what really happened.
    ‘He did, he held you, tried to persuade you to go back to him.’ Will’s voice was low, ‘Don’t lie to me, Eline, please. This is too important.’
    ‘Yes, yes!’ she said. ‘He said he loved me still, he held me and kissed me but I didn’t consent to it, I told him it was you I wanted. Will …’ She held her arms to him pleadingly, ‘Please Will, I’m sorry I went there. It was foolish but I didn’t mean anything to happen.’
    ‘You could have rebuffed him,’ Will said. ‘You could have done many things but you didn’t, did you?’
    ‘Will, I felt sorry for him, he is still my husband after all.’ Immediately the words were spoken Eline knew they should never have been said. Will’s face turned white, his jaw tightened and his eyes seemed to penetrate her very soul.
    ‘So, you felt sorry for him, he is still your husband and did he claim his rights over you, did your pity extend to the bedroom, Eline, did it?’
    ‘No!’ Her voice was ragged, ‘No Will, how could you even suggest it?’
    ‘You let him hold you and kiss you and you felt sorry for him. You’ve just told me that the man is still your husband so why shouldn’t you indulge in a little lovemaking to pass an afternoon? How can I believe anything you say, Eline?’
    ‘I hate you!’ Eline said fiercely. ‘I hate you Will Davies, seeing how little faith you have in me. I’m sorry I ever came to live with you.’
    Will stared at her for a long moment and then, without another word, picked up his hat and coat and left the room. Eline heard his footsteps ringing on the cobbled yard outside, she heard the slam of the gate as if it was a death knell and then there was silence except for the ticking of the clock and the shifting of coals in the grate.
    She sank into a chair and put her face in her hands. The tears came hot and bitter and, after a moment, she put her head down on her arms and the sobs racked her body.
    Later, she rose and washed her face and patted her hot cheeks with the towel, and misery washed over her afresh. She had made two men unhappy today; the man she was married to and the man she loved, quite a record by anyone’s standards.
    She pushed the kettle onto the flames and made herself some hot tea, then climbed onto the bed beside the sleeping form of her son.
    ‘Emlyn,’ she said softly, ‘your mother is a foolish woman. I wish I was wise and sensible but I’m not, I’m nothing at all without your father.’
    She looked at the clock, the public bars would be closing and soon now, surely quite soon, Will would be home. To pass the time, she washed and brushed her hair and then pulled on her nightgown. She climbed onto the bed again and stared at the flickering lamp; it was running low on oil, soon it would go out and then, by then, Will would definitely be home.
    But the lamp flickered and fizzled and went out and the smell of oil hung in the air. Now there was just the light from the fire and Eline stared at the embers of coal as if they could give her hope.
    The sound of singing came from the street and then faded into the distance, the last of the revellers

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