Christina stares at Gina.
(to Anthony)
She says that one more time and I’m
going to tie her to a stake,
pleading any passing U-F-O to take
her away.
I’m with you, brother.
Chaz? Setup a camera, facing...
Gina slightly spins around, then looks at Anthony.
What direction did that old guy say
the U-F-O’s typically appear?
Gina looks at Anthony, who points in the direction of South,
where the outline of a slight hill comes into view.
Oh, okay. Chaz, setup a camera,
focusing on that hill.
(with sarcasm)
Si, comandante.
Chaz moves and sets up a tripod and then sets up a camera, as
the others begin setting up camp.
(to himself)
Chaz, set up the camera. Chaz,
load the car. Chaz, unload the
car. Chaz, do this, Chaz, do that.
Chaz looks through the camera and sees Yasmine.
Yeah, Chaz want that.
Chaz spins the camera around, making some adjustments. He
starts to look through the viewfinder.
Hey, hey, we’ve got movement.
Everyone looks up, as Chaz points up into the sky, but still
looking through the camera.
Get the other cameras rolling.
It’s getting close.
Chaz senses that no one is moving and he looks away from the
camera, seeing everyone looking up into the sky.
What the hell are you waiting for?
Uh, Chaz, buddy, that’s a passenger
Anthony points up to the sky, with Chaz slowly looking in
that direction, seeing FLASHING LIGHTS of a passenger jet.
It’s moving too slow for a U-F-O
and the flight pattern doesn’t fit
what eye witnesses have said about
U-F-O’s...They don’t travel in
straight lines.
Chaz looks into the sky, as the jet continues to slowly move
across the sky. Chaz looks back into the camera viewfinder
and slowly PANS the sky, failing to see anything. As Chaz
bumps the camera, moving it to ground level, a BLURRED SHADOW
moves between some trees, without Chaz noticing.
This is a waste. The only aliens
out here are...
Chaz PANS the camera around, with Gina, Yasmine, and
Christina coming into view. Anthony is building a small
campfire, as the girls take items out of some ice coolers.
Chicks from Vegas.
Chaz ZOOMS in on Christina, who is leaning over, getting into
an ice chest, with her cleavage coming into view.
Chaz moves the camera, ZOOMING in on Yasmine, who is bending
over, with her buttocks towards Chaz. Chaz ZOOMS in on the
swaying buttocks.
Suddenly, Gina’s face ZOOM into view, looking directly at
Chaz, and startling him.
Quit wasting film. Set the cameras
Chaz turns the camera back towards the hill and then looks up
into the sky.
POV switches to behind Chaz, watching him, then looking at
the other students.
POV moves, as though someone is circling the camp. Chaz
moves to the campfire and sits down, with Christina handing
him a hotdog.
A wiener for a...
Christina smiles, with Chaz taking the hotdog.
I get it. Very funny.
Chaz moves and sits down and starts to eat, as the others
also eat. They all nervously look around, eating in silence.
Anthony finishes and picks up the book. He thumbs through
some pages and then stops, reading. He seems to have
memorized the words, as he then looks up into the sky.
They sent us emissaries over the
years. Every time they did, we
either treated them like gods or
tried to kill them...
Like the Mayans.
Egyptians. The pyramids.
Southern Baptist.
They look at Christina.
Independence Day.
Everyone looks at Chaz, who takes another bite of the hotdog.
He looks back at them and then swallows.
Yeah, you're thinking that I'm
stupid and shallow, but after
aliens visited the Mayans, they
started doing human sacrifices.
After aliens visited the Egyptians,
they used slave labor to build
pyramids to