Appointment with Death

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Book: Read Appointment with Death for Free Online
Authors: Agatha Christie
is always a good thing,” said Sarah. “Inside a family one is apt
     to get too intense.” Then she asked casually: “If you are unhappy, haven't you ever
     thought of leaving home?”
    Carol looked startled. “Oh, no! How could we? I - I mean, Mother would never allow it.”
    “But she couldn't stop you,” said Sarah gently. “You're over age.”
    “I'm twenty-three.”
    “But still, I don't see how - I mean I wouldn't know where to go and what to do.” Her tone
     seemed bewildered. “You see,” she said, “we haven't got any money.”
    “Haven't you any friends you could go to?”
    “Friends?” Carol shook her head. “Oh, no, we don't know anyone!”
    “Did none of you ever think of leaving home?”
    “No - I don't think so. Oh - oh - we couldn't.”
    Sarah changed the subject. She found the girl's bewilderment pitiful.
    She said: “Are you fond of your stepmother?”
    Slowly Carol shook her head. She whispered in a low scared voice: “I hate her. So does
     Ray... We've - we've often wished she would die.”
    Again Sarah changed the subject. “Tell me about your elder brother.”
    “Lennox? I don't know what's the matter with Lennox. He hardly ever speaks now. He goes
     about in a kind of daydream. Nadine's terribly worried about him.”
    “You are fond of your sister-in-law?”
    “Yes Nadine is different. She's always kind. But she's very unhappy.”
    “About your brother?”
    “Have they been married long?”
    “Four years.”
    “And they've always lived at home?”
    Sarah asked: “Does your sister-in-law like that?”
    “No.” There was a pause. Then Carol said: “There was an awful fuss once about four years
     ago now. You see, as I told you, none of us ever goes outside the house at home. I mean we
     go into the grounds, but nowhere else. But Lennox did. He got out at night. He went into
     Fountain Springs - there was a sort of dance going on. Mother was frightfully angry when
     she found out. It was terrible. And then, after that, she asked Nadine to come and stay.
     Nadine was a very distant cousin of father's. She was very poor and was training to be a
     hospital nurse. She came and stayed with us for a month. I can't tell you how exciting it
     was to have someone to stay! And she and Lennox fell in love with each other. And Mother
     said they'd better be married quickly and live on with us.”
    “And was Nadine willing to do that?”
    Carol hesitated. “I don't think she wanted to do that very much, but she didn't really
     mind. Then, later, she wanted to go away - with Lennox, of course - ”
    “But they didn't go?” asked Sarah.
    “No, Mother wouldn't hear of it.” Carol paused and then said: “I don't think she likes
     Nadine any longer. Nadine is funny. You never know what she's thinking. She tries to help
     Jinny and Mother doesn't like it.”
    “Jinny is your younger sister?”
    “Yes. Ginevra is her real name.”
    “Is she - unhappy too?”
    Carol shook her head doubtfully. “Jinny's been very queer lately. I don't understand her.
     You see, she's always been rather delicate - and - and Mother fusses about her and - and
     it makes her worse. And lately Jinny has been very queer indeed. She - she frightens me
     sometimes. She - she doesn't always know what she's doing.”
    “Has she seen a doctor?”
    “No; Nadine wanted her to, but Mother said no, and Jinny got very hysterical and screamed
     and said she wouldn't see a doctor. But I'm worried about her.” Suddenly Carol rose. “I
     mustn't keep you up. It's - it's very good of you letting me come and talk to you. You
     must think us very odd as a family.”
    “Oh, everybody's odd, really,” said Sarah lightly. “Come again, will you? And bring your
     brother, if you like.”
    “May I really?”
    “Yes; we'll do some secret plotting. I'd like you to meet a friend of mine, too; a Dr.
     Gerard, an awfully nice Frenchman.”
    The color came into

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