Anyplace But Here (Oklahoma Lovers Series Book 5)

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Book: Read Anyplace But Here (Oklahoma Lovers Series Book 5) for Free Online
Authors: Callie Hutton
nine-fifty.” Hunter smiled at her as he snapped his timepiece closed and caressed her cheek. “Good night. I’ll see you again tomorrow.”
    She hated the feeling of being swept away again, but unsure of anything at this point, she nodded.
    What the hell are you doing, Emily?
    Hunter shoved his hands into his pockets as he strode from the boardinghouse. After a few blocks his leg began to ache, so he caught a trolley car that dropped him only a block from home.
    Tori and Jesse’s low murmurs came from the library as he passed by. Not in the mood for company, he continued on to this room. Flopping onto his bed, he ruminated on the evening.
    He was more confused than ever. His feelings for Emily were much stronger than he’d realized. The fact that she had trusted him enough to allow him to kiss her like he had, but to not tell him what trouble she was in, ate at his gut.
    There also had been the panic when he’d touched her. All right, maybe he had crossed the line, but it wasn’t anger he’d seen in her eyes, it had been fear. A great deal of fear. He was still convinced she could never be a law breaker. What sort of trouble could a pretty young woman get into that didn’t involve crime?
    A man.
    Had she run away from an abusive father? A determined beau? She’d been very reluctant to reveal any information about herself, and even the details she had divulged had been lies. He grinned at how uncomfortable she’d looked when she uttered that make-believe story. If her face had gotten any redder it would have burst into flames. Another reason he was sure she could not be a criminal. Those who spent their lives breaking the law could lie with a glib tongue.
    While he was doing his job for Jesse, digging up information on whoever it was that was trying to ruin his client’s chances at governor, he might poke around into Emily’s background. Then he quickly disabused himself of that idea. It left a sour taste in his mouth. As much as he wanted to help her with whatever she was running from, prying into her private life behind her back just didn’t sit well.
    He stood and stripped off his clothes, dropping them where they fell. After a quick sponge bath at the washstand, he climbed back into bed, and massaged the sore muscles in his wounded leg. His limp was barely noticeable now, but the constant ache when he used the leg was a reminder why he was no longer able to ride with the Rangers.
    He’d adjusted much better than he’d expected when he first arrived home, aside from trying to find decent employment. He was not dwelling on his injury as much as he’d thought. Then again, he’d been fooling himself if he didn’t give credit to meeting Emily. Knowing her had definitely been a balm to his spirits.
    Over the years, he’d cheered for each of his siblings as the occasional letter caught up with him, relating news of the latest marriage in the family. However, he’d never felt the need to have a woman of his own.
    Until now.
    He wanted Emily. And not just for sex, although images of them naked in each other’s arms brought his cock to a full salute. There were many layers to Emily Cabot. He wanted to reveal them all, strip them one by one the way he wanted to do with her clothes. He yearned to know her thoughts, feelings, what she loved, what she hated.
    But most of all what—or who—she was running from.
    Galveston, Texas
    “We found her.”
    Louis’s head jerked up at the words from the latest in a string of detectives he’d hired to find his wife. His heart thumped, knowing soon she would be back under his control. She had a lot to make up for. Images of her—naked—on her knees begging for her life gave rise to the part of his anatomy that never seemed to rest.
    He leaned back in his chair and smiled. “So where is the bitch?”
    The man drew out a small pad from his inner pocket. “She’s working at a Harvey House in Guthrie, up in Oklahoma Territory.”
    So the little rabbit hadn’t gone very

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