Anna and the Vampire Prince

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Book: Read Anna and the Vampire Prince for Free Online
Authors: Jeanne C. Stein
    Vlad moves so fast, he’s a shadow on the wall of the cave. I’m on his heels, seeking out Cecily in the dim light. She’s bound hand and foot, a torn blanket thrown over her. I gather her up, tear off the ropes binding her and strip off the dirty cloth covering her mouth. “Stay here,” I whisper.
    I turn to the sounds of a scuffle.
    But the battle—such as it was—is over. Two men lie on their backs, mouths gaping open, breath coming in shallow gasps. Vlad has taken their guns and flung them into the recesses of the cave. His eyes glow like a cat’s in the flickering light of a campfire.
    “How’s the girl?” he asks me.
    Cecily has staggered to her feet. She looks at Vlad, his vampire cat-like eyes still burning. Then she looks at me. “What are you?” she asks, fear reasserting itself. Her English is halting and broken.
    Vlad pulls out his phone. “I’ll have to make the call from outside,” he says to me. “Will you be alright?”
    I nod. I can’t do anything about my eyes, they will return to normal as soon as the vampire retreats, but I try to modulate my voice to alleviate her fear.
    “I’m Trish’s Aunt Anna,” I say. “My friend and I have come to take you home.”
    “But your eyes—” She takes a step back. “What’s wrong with them?”
    “Oh that. I’m wearing special contact lenses. They help me see in the dark. Spelunker gear.”
    “Spelunker?” she repeats.
    I pull the backpack off. “You know, people who investigate caves.”
    “Is that how you found me?”
    She doesn’t wait for an answer. She throws her arms around my neck. “Thank you. Thank you.”
    I hug her back, grinning. “ Pas de quoi! ”
    When the Naiux police arrive, I let Vlad do all the talking. In French, he tells them of our “cave explorations” and how we happened upon the girl and her abductors. I hear much excited chatter among the constables. Cecily is carefully examined and questioned before a call to her mother confirms to the police that we have permission to bring her home. The kidnappers are bundled not-too-gently off to jail.
    Cecily keeps looking at Vlad and me. Our human personas are back, and I can tell she’s wondering about the “contact lenses.” She doesn’t ask, though, and I don’t mention them again.
    The mood on the drive home is far lighter than the mood on the way to Naiux. Cecily tries to keep up a conversation, but within a few minutes, her head begins to nod.
    “Stretch out,” I tell her. “We have a long drive and there’ll be a lot of excited people waiting for you at home. Sleep while you can.”
    She doesn’t argue. There is a blanket among the kids’ toys in the back. She lays herself down across the seat, pulls the blanket up around her shoulders.
    I reach behind the seat and tuck her in. Within seconds, she’s asleep.
    Poor kid, I say to Vlad. She must be exhausted.
    She has a lot to be thankful for, he comments. She owes you her life, you know.
    She owes you her life, I correct. You made the calls that solved the mystery. I was along for the ride.
    Let us just say that we make a good team .
    I let a moment pass, wondering if I should bring up the subject. Too late I realize Vlad is in my head. He slips in so unobtrusively that when he speaks, I jump.
    You want to know what I was talking about with Amélie and Alexander. It’s not a question.
    I thought it might have something to do with this, I reply, gesturing to the back seat. Now, I suspect not. Perhaps I could be of help.
    He never takes his eyes from the road, but I feel his gaze like the warmth from a fire. He has abilities far beyond those of the normal vampire—certainly beyond mine. I don’t try to intrude on his thoughts. It’s his decision, and as much as I would love to be taken into his confidence, I won’t push.
    Another long moment goes by. He heaves a sigh. It’s Steffan’s band of toadies. Back to cause trouble.
    I’m startled into silence. I can’t believe they would have dared

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