delicacies to buy, claiming his mama wanted to try out exotic new recipes. She believed Giuseppe because she also spoiled the boy.
    Giuseppe sat forward. “This part is the best. It is when we join our bodies and become one.”
    The pretty girl with the breasts and thin waist and curvy hips of a woman had caused his blood to burn every time he saw her. Quiet, pretty Lucia Peglesi, was a girl he could love. “Lie on your back.”
    She did what he asked.
    He was rigid again. “Spread your legs for me bella.”
    Again she acquiesced.
    He moved close, holding his dick, rubbing gently against her vaginal slit, feeling her softness, wanting to fuck her hard but couldn’t. She was not like the other girls. Lucia Peglesi had yet to know boys. It is in the innocent eyes he saw uncertainty from someone untouched. He did not penetrate her walls, only teased the lips which moistened in response. He raised himself to feel in his drawer for a rubber, his hand went limp, and perhaps she did not fully understand what she did in that moment as she wrapped her legs around his waist, locking them together. His hands pressed against the bed over her head and he cursed, “Merda che non ha aspettato!”
    He had gained his equilibrium but his weight had pressed the girl’s buttocks to the mattress. He had fully penetrated the novice and she held him so tight and he throbbed from the joy of her womanly breasts cushioning his massive chest that he did not withdraw. In excitement he sucked her nipple and she arched her hips forward and he pleasured her more. She clutched his dick, far tighter than any girl before. He taught her the joy of sex in different positions. He could not get enough of Lucia Peglesi and in the heat of young passion; he ejaculated many times and did not care of anything beyond the moment.
    The love torched him and his eyes fluttered rapidly. Then the image of a woman with syrupy skin, a micio of molasses more sweet than any he’d tasted made him cum –hard. He shout, gripped the edge of one of the posts with sweaty hands. The force of the emotion seizing his body resulted in a spontaneous combustion that collapsed Giuseppe and then wood broke in his hands.
    His comatose mind felt a sudden ache. He could not verbalize why. Everything became darkness. What he thought was real, was fractured memories of the past, present and future colliding during a medically induced sleep. He was not aware of a mother, holding his hand as his eyes rapidly blinked.
    Maria rushed upstairs at the sound of a child’s cries. The babies were asleep. Allie on the other-hand required medicine to help her rest. She passed Sal in the hallway as he headed toward the bathroom with the glass of orange juice for his cranky sister and entered the little girl’s room, sat the glass atop the nightstand and then touched the small forehead. Ah, she was hot to the touch, fever had set in. She measured the cherry flavored fever reducer and put it to the girl’s lips. “Come niña, drink for Nana.”
    “I don’t want it Nana. I want mommy.”
    “Mommy will be home soon. Take a sip, por favor.”
    Allie drank with a wrinkled nose. “It’s nasty.”
    “Yo se, but it will help make you better.”
    It was not long after the child finally closed her eyes and the house became quiet for the first time all day. She covered the girl and then went to check on Sal just as the doorbell rang. Maria checked the hall clock. It was after nine. Who visited at this hour on a Sunday night?
    Sal was still awake playing his video game in bed when she passed his room. “Go to bed Salvatore.”
    “I can’t sleep.”
    Maria huffed. “Turn off the light and put the game away and maybe then you will,” she answered as a male voice filled the house. She recognized Bruno’s gravelly voice. She wagged a finger at her grandson who was too much like his father before heading downstairs to

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