Animal Attraction
no-nonsense face. Her short
dark hair was as neat as ever, her typical polo shirt and slacks
ironed and clean. She’d been taking care of herself at least. When
I’d asked about her, the words used were ‘coping well’.
    Maybe that was true when the body of her
sweetheart wasn’t walking towards her. When she looked up and saw
me, Taylor visibly blanched. Without a second’s hesitation, she
rose from her chair and abandoned whatever she’d been working on at
the computer. She sprinted out the door at the back of the room
with a quickness that would have impressed a cheetah.
    Someone else noted my approach. Tristan’s
secretary Wendy moved from her boss’ desk, the massive one on stage
right. Pretty, brunette, and perpetually in her twenties, she
beelined to intercept me.
    Dan spoke in my ear, though there was no one
else around that could hear him. “Stay calm. She’s just doing what
she’s been told to do.”
    “Yeah, yeah,” I muttered. “It doesn’t mean I
have to like it.”
    Wendy met me and stood in my path. Her smile
didn’t look forced for a change. “Good evening, Ms. Payson. Can I
help you with something?”
    I didn’t mince words. “Getting out of the way
would be a nice start. I have to see Tristan.”
    I had to give her points for professionalism.
She must have been an executive assistant before she died, because
her polite mien never altered. “I understand, but Mr. Keith has
received huge news. Cliff Tattingail has dropped out of the race
for the state legislature.”
    That was enough to get me to pause. I heard
Dan’s startled gasp behind me. ‘Big news’ was an
    “Since when?” I asked, my voice betraying
    Wendy nodded, her excitement clear. “He
announced it a couple of hours ago. He decided to run for Tristan’s
old seat on the county commission instead.”
    Dan snorted, having recovered from the
initial surprise. “Tattingail knew he didn’t have a chance against
Tristan and Emory Cooper. He’s been polling way behind the two of
    Wendy couldn’t hear Dan, of course. He stated
the obvious anyway.
    I spoke conversationally as I angled to get
around Wendy. “That makes the race a little more interesting,
doesn’t it? The wingnuts will now back Cooper and make it a closer
race.” I resumed my march to Tristan.
    Wendy tried to get in front of me again. “Um,
yes, so this isn’t exactly a good time—”
    I rounded on her so fast she nearly bumped
noses with me. “Listen, sweetie. There is never going to be a good
time for me and Tristan to talk, not when I’m wearing his sister
like a permanent Halloween costume. But we have a bigger issue than
his political aspirations – as in life and death matters.”
    “A bit melodramatic,” came Dan’s opinion.
“Watch your temper.”
    I managed to keep my voice even as I took his
words to heart and attempted to gain Wendy’s assistance. “I need to
talk to Tristan about these shifter disappearances.”
    Her professionally polite facade showed up
again, replacing her friendly excitement. “Mr. Keith is aware of
the matter. I told him that agent from the training academy stopped
    “Good. Then I won’t have to take up as much
of his time.” I wheeled around and went for the dark haired man who
may or may not have been ignoring me on the stage. I was only a few
yards from the steps that led up to it.
    Wendy’s voice bordered on desperation. “Ms.
Payson, I really need to ask you to wait.”
    I was still in control, but I decided I
needed to make a point. When I turned to her again, I let go of the
glamour masking my fangs and red eyes.
    “Do you see any Blood Potion in my hand? No,
you don’t. And there are a lot of warm, tasty bodies in this room
right now. Stay out of my way.”
    A deep, smooth voice rolled over us. “Hello,
Brandilynn. Did you need to see me?”
    I straightened and put the glamour back in
place before turning around to face Tristan Keith, the owner of

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