Ancient Guardians: The Uninvited
with you like this in our new home. I have to say, it has me very excited to be married.”
    “I feel the same way,” he said, as he offered her a piece of muffin. “That reminds me; I wanted to talk to you about our wedding ceremony, and how they are performed in Pemdas.”
    Butterflies swarmed in Reece’s stomach as she tried to keep a confident expression. “It’s gonna be pretty big, isn’t it?”
    Levi placed the plate of food to the side and twisted to face her. “Quite the opposite, actually,” he said with a sympathetic grin. “In Pemdas, after a man and woman decide to commit their lives to each other, there is no ceremony such as there would be on Earth. Their vows are honored simply by saying words of devotion in front of a few witnesses.”
    “Sounds so romantic,” she teased. “So all we’d have to do is walk up in front of your parents, say a couple of words of love…and that’s it, we’re married?”
    “In a way, yes. However, in Pemdas, we celebrate the couple’s union after they return from their vacation, or rather, honeymoon. It is quite a celebration, to be sure.” He reached for her hand. “So actually, we could walk in tonight and become a wedded couple.” He sighed and gazed longingly into her eyes. “And believe me, it is tempting; but that is not how I would like to see our wedding performed.” He raised her hand to his lips and softly kissed it. When his eyes once again met hers, they were piercing. “Reece, I wish to honor you and our marriage with a traditional wedding ceremony from Earth. I understand you are already sacrificing a lot simply by being required to live in Pemdas, and I want to do everything in my power to honor traditions from your culture as well.”
    “Levi,” she smiled, as he tenderly rubbed the back of her hand. “I’m not sacrificing anything and I can’t imagine anywhere else I’d rather be.”
    “It may feel that way now, but as you already are aware, Pemdas’ culture and Earth’s culture varies widely. I will tell you that I am astounded by how well you have adjusted already. However, you will have moments where you will find yourself missing the only traditions you have ever known.” He smiled warmly at her. “This is why, in regard to our wedding, I want to give you everything that you, as a new bride, would expect to have on Earth.” He smiled wryly. “Engagement parties and all!”
    Reece stared intently into Levi’s humorous eyes, “You’re the most thoughtful man I’ve ever met.” She said meaningfully, “And as tempting as it is to have a Pemdai ceremony and become your wife as soon as we get back to the palace, I think it would be wonderful to have a wedding ceremony to honor both of us. So,” she lifted her chin and gazed knowingly into his eyes, “while you’ve been considering all of this, have you thought of a date, too?”
    A brilliant smile stretched across Levi’s face. “Of course,” he said proudly. “Although, all of it will depend on what is most comfortable for you. As far as time periods go, I am confident that everything can be arranged for our ceremony to take place three months from now.”
    “Well, you are certainly not one for wasting time.”
    “When it comes to you becoming my wife? You are correct; I most definitely will not waste any time.”
    Reece laughed in disbelief. “Will we be able to plan all of this in that amount of time?”
    “You will be surprised at how swiftly my mother will have everything arranged in three months. I hope you and I will be able to keep up with her.” He smiled sympathetically. “And while we are on the subject of planning, I wanted to advise you about a celebration that we have been invited to attend.”
    Levi nodded. “There are numerous times throughout the year that my family vacations away from the palace for months at a time, giving my father the opportunity to go over business matters with those in leadership of the various

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