our intelligence and abilities to live successfully, and by learning how to adjust our mental attitude and states of consciousness, we can experience easy fulfillment of life-enhancing desires. Desires which, if fulfilled would interfere with the unfoldment of higher purposes, should be renounced. Become proficient in endeavors. Learn how to cooperate with mental and metaphysical principles of causation. Live without strain. Be a gracious, cultured, knowledgeable, successful person.
• To be Affluent – If we resist the idea of being affluent (“in the flow of life”), we restrict life’s inclination to thrive, to flourish, to be successful in the accomplishment of its purposes. The universe is self-complete, whole. When we are in harmony with its actions we are included in its processes and all of our needs are spontaneously met. When we are affluent, we can almost effortlessly fulfill all of our endeavors.
• To be Spiritually Enlightened – If we are successful in learning how to function as social beings but have not yet experienced authentic spiritual growth, our lives are not complete. Therefore, include spiritual studies and practices in your daily routine, and do your best to live from your highest level of understanding. You will grow to emotional maturity and awaken to flawless knowledge of your real nature and your relationship with the Infinite.
Come to terms with the fact that you are in relationship with life for a purpose. Find out what that purpose is and fulfill it. You will then fulfill your spiritual destiny. Merely to be inclined to drift with the tides of circumstances, or to focus on satisfying petty personal desires and whims, is to waste the precious opportunity living in this world provides. There is no better place than where we are to learn our lessons and to awaken and express our spiritual capacities. Have you wasted time, energy, and resources in the past because of purposeless or misguided endeavors? If so, release the past and resolve to do better from now on. Are you wasting time, energy, and resources now? If so, choose to think, feel, and behave more constructively.
Regardless of present circumstances, be they oppressive, or more supportive but not fulfilling, all that is needed to implement useful change in the direction of more freely expressive life is choice. When we choose more ideal circumstances, we make decisions. When we make decisions, our thought processes become more organized and rational. We enter into a cooperative relationship with the enlivening Power that nurtures the universe—and us—and, being responsive to It, discover that we are supported by currents of life which carry us along and provide for our well-being through every stage of our awakening, learning, and growing.
Right knowing, right relationship with the Infinite, and right living, is the way to confirm our dedication on the awakening path and to prove to ourselves the authenticity of our spiritual growth.
Our understanding determines the usefulness of our choices, and living with intention facilitates emotional, intellectual, and spiritual growth. Do these things with conscious intention:
What is the highest good you can see for yourself?
What will you do to actualize it or experience it?
Read this book several times, marking the ideas and themes that speak to you. On another sheet of paper, or in your personal journal, write your plans and projects for living with worthwhile purpose. Write your spiritual practice routine.
I open my mind and being to my endless good.
I acknowledge the truth—that I am a spiritual being
forever established in wholeness.
I will live wisely, act with conscious
Aaron Elkins, Charlotte Elkins