An Affair of the Heart

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Book: Read An Affair of the Heart for Free Online
Authors: David George Richards
Tags: Romance, Contemporary Romance, romantic suspense, Women, love
out to find Dr Jones almost as soon as she had arrived. Typical.
Just when she was in the mood for a good yap.
    At that moment,
Gina was standing with Dr Jones just down the corridor from
Rachel’s room. She had pushed the doctor back against the wall and
pinned him there.
    “I don’t
believe this,” Gina was saying in a shaky voice. Her face was
white. “It can’t be true...Tell me it isn’t true!” She suddenly
shook Dr Jones by the collar of his white coat. “You knew about
this, didn’t you? And you didn’t tell me!” she said, raising her
voice and shaking him again, only more violently this time. “How
could you let this happen?”
    “Calm down,
Gina!” Dr Jones protested. He tried to stop her from shaking him,
but she was stronger than he was. “Stop this! Stop it, Gina!” he
demanded. “Do you want Rachel to hear us arguing?”
    Gina stopped
shaking him, and Dr Jones quickly put his arm around her and moved
away from the wall. “Of course we’re not going to let this happen!
And I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to worry you unduly,
that’s all! I knew that a summons had been served on the hospital,
but I never thought that he would actually have the nerve to do the
same to you!”
    “He did! He had
the nerve!” Gina waved the letter about as she spoke. “We’ve been
summoned to court, Dr Jones! It says he wants it back! How can he
want it back? Who does he think he is? And what about my Rachel?
Doesn’t he know about her? Doesn’t he care?”
    “Don’t worry,
Gina. It’s going to be alright! It’s just the ranting of an angry
and bitter man, that’s all! No court would ever allow this to
happen! They wouldn’t dare!”
    “But we can’t
afford to go to court! I only have a part time job, and I get the
rest on benefit! I spend most of my time looking after Rachel! How
can I afford solicitors and barristers? What am I going to do, Dr
Jones? What am I going to do?”
    “You won’t have
to pay for any of that! Don’t worry! The hospital will fight this!
What kind of people do you think we are? Do you really think we
would just stand back and let this happen? You don’t have to do
anything, Gina! Just let our legal people deal with this,
    There was
silence while they stared at each other. Gina was breathing hard,
the fear showing plainly in her expression. She glanced quickly
down the corridor towards Rachel’s room before turning back to Dr
Jones, grabbing him by the collar again.
    “Rachel mustn’t
know about this!” she said urgently. “I don’t want anything to
upset her! Do you hear me? She mustn’t know anything about it until
it’s all over!”
    Dr Jones paused
before answering. “All right,” he said. “We’ll do our best.”

    Alex Williams
paced up and down in Helen Worthington’s office.
    “Are you sure
you still want to go ahead with this?” Helen asked him in a soft,
elegant voice. She was sat behind her desk in a big leather chair.
She looked very relaxed as sat back with her legs crossed, one
heeled shoe hanging precariously from the end of her toes. She
tilted the chair back further, and swung it slowly from side to
side, tapping her nails on the inlaid wood in each of its arms.
Worthington was a striking woman. She had worked her way up from
legal secretary, to associate, then partner. And now at forty-four
she had become the senior partner of the firm. Those who knew her
said that her success was due to cunning and a sharp legal mind,
others who liked her less called her conniving. All accepted that
she was extremely clever.
    To compliment
the sharpness of her mind, Helen kept herself fit to the point of
obsession. She made weekly visits to a health club, and worked out
in her own gym at home each morning. She also dressed well, putting
most of her clients and all of her colleagues in the shade. She was
undoubtedly beautiful, with green eyes and shoulder length red
hair, and a

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