American Gods

Read American Gods for Free Online Page B

Book: Read American Gods for Free Online
Authors: Neil Gaiman
Tags: Fiction, General
you’re pushing that big hard thing inside of me, will you worship me?”
    “Will I what?”
    She is rocking back and forth on him: the engorged head of his penis is being rubbed against the wet lips of her vulva.
    “Will you call me goddess? Will you pray to me? Will you worship me with your body?”
    He smiles. Is that what she wants? “Sure,” he says. We’ve all got our kinks, at the end of the day. She reaches her hand between her legs and slips him inside her.
    “Is that good, is it, goddess?” he asks, gasping.
    “Worship me, honey,” says Bilquis, the hooker.
    “Yes,” he says. “I worship your breasts and your eyes and your cunt. I worship your thighs and your eyes and your cherry-red lips…”
    “Yes…,” she croons, riding him like a storm-tossed boat rides the waves.
    “I worship your nipples, from which the milk of life flows. Your kiss is honey and your touch scorches like fire, and I worship it.” His words are becoming more rhythmic now, keeping pace with the thrust and roll of their bodies. “Bring me your lust in the morning, and bring me relief and your blessing in the evening. Let me walk in dark places unharmed and let me come to you once more and sleep beside you and make love with you again. I worship you with everything that is within me, and everything inside my mind, with everywhere I’ve been and my dreams and my…” He breaks off, panting for breath. “…What are you do ing? That feels a maz ing. So a maz ing…” And he looks down at his hips, at the place where the two of them conjoin, but her forefinger touches his chin and pushes his head back, so he is looking only at her face and at the ceiling once again.
    “Keep talking, honey,” she says. “Don’t stop. Doesn’t it feel good?”
    “It feels better than anything has ever felt,” he tells her, meaning it as he says it. “Your eyes are stars, burning in the, shit, the firmament, and your lips are gentle waves that lick the sand, and I wworship them,” and now he’s thrusting deeper and deeper inside her: he feels electric, as if his whole lower body has become sexually charged: priapic, engorged, blissful.
    “Bring me your gift,” he mutters, no longer knowing what he is saying, “your one true gift, and make me always this…always so…I pray…I…”
    And then the pleasure crests into orgasm, blasting his mind into void, his head and self and entire beingness a perfect blank as he thrusts deeper into her and deeper still…
    Eyes closed, spasming, he luxuriates in the moment; and then he feels a lurch, and it seems to him that he is hanging, head-down, although the pleasure continues.
    He opens his eyes.
    He thinks, grasping for thought and reason again, of birth, and wonders, without fear, in a moment of perfect postcoital clarity, whether what he sees is some kind of illusion.
    This is what he sees:
    He is inside her to the chest, and as he stares at this in disbelief and wonder she rests both hands upon his shoulders and puts gentle pressure on his body.
    He slipslides further inside her.
    “How are you doing this to me?” he asks, or he thinks he asks, but perhaps it is only in his head.
    “You’re doing it, honey,” she whispers. He feels the lips of her vulva tight around his upper chest and back, constricting and enveloping him. He wonders what this would look like to somebody watching them. He wonders why he is not scared. And then he knows.
    “I worship you with my body,” he whispers, as she pushes him inside her. Her labia pull slickly across his face, and his eyes slip into darkness.
    She stretches on the bed, like a huge cat, and then she yawns. “Yes,” she says, “You do.”
    The Nokia phone plays a high, electrical transposition of the “Ode to Joy.” She picks it up, and thumbs a key, and puts the telephone to her ear.
    Her belly is flat, her labia small and closed. A sheen of sweat glistens on her forehead and on her upper lip.
    “Yeah?” she says. And then she says,

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