American Blue
if deep down she wasn’t enjoying herself and had simply found an excuse to switch.
    If so, she’d never given the least sign of it before, and as I continued to beat her she still refused to show either pain or pleasure, neither wincing to the cuts nor sticking her bottom up, something I’ve found few women can resist once they’re warm. She had at least begun to juice, and the warm smell of her pussy was growing gradually richer in the air, but that told me nothing about what was going on in her head.
    By thirty strokes I was caning her quite hard. The lines across her bum were getting red, and some of her welts were marked with tramlines on either side. I was starting to enjoy it too, despite myself, and thinking of all the times she’d spanked me, belted me, caned me, made me lick her pussy and kiss her anus, pissed on me, clamped my nipples and tortured my breasts, stuck pins in my bottom, flushed my head down my own used lavatory …
    It was only when she finally winced that I realised I’d been using the full force of my arm to bring the cane down across her bottom, but it didn’t stop me. Her bottom was already a mess of angry welts and purple bruising, so it was far too late. Whatever horrible revenge she took was unlikely to get any worse, whatever I did to her, and I had only ten strokes left anyway.
    I applied them with full force, slashing the cane down across her buttocks to make her jerk and hiss with every blow. Still she kept control of herself, her teeth gritted to hold in her cries and her fingers locked hard in my bedcover, and even as I gave her the final stroke across the back of her thighs she held on, although her body was shaking badly and she was forced to close her eyes to cope with the pain.
    ‘Seventy-two,’ I said, all my fear washing back as I dropped the cane to the floor.
    ‘So you have got some guts,’ she said, and began to climb carefully off the bed.
    She inspected her bottom in the mirror, rather casually, more as if she was checking what she’d done to somebody else than to assess her own damage. I waited, fidgeting, sure that at any moment she would turn on me, but when she spoke her voice was quite calm.
    ‘Would you mind going downstairs, Jemima? I want to speak to Penny alone.’
    Jemima hesitated, obviously not wanting to miss out on whatever was going to be done to me, but left the room, shutting the door behind her. AJ waited until the sound of Jemima’s footsteps on the stairs had faded, then spoke again.
    ‘What the fuck did you think you were playing at? You set me up for this, didn’t you?’
    ‘No!’ I squealed. ‘I wanted Jemima caned, I told you! I promise!’
    She reached out to take me by the chin, squeezing as she tilted my head up to look into her eyes.
    ‘So how come you signalled me to keep my cards in the ring?’
    ‘I didn’t! I meant to let you know you were safe to fold. It … it was Pippa’s fault! She should have thrown in when she had the three aces! Honestly, AJ, it was an accident, that’s all. I didn’t mean to … ouch, you’re hurting!’
    I’d been babbling, in genuine fear, sure she was going to slap me in the face or something. She didn’t, but kept her grip, staring deep into my eyes for a long moment before speaking again.
    ‘You’re telling the truth, aren’t you?’
    ‘OK then, but you’re a silly bitch, you know that?’
    ‘I suppose so,’ I admitted, and she let go of my chin. ‘What are you going to do to me?’
    ‘I don’t know. I’m tempted to cane your fat arse in front of the girls, but the trouble with you sluts is that you just get off on it, don’t you?’
    I managed a weak smile but held my peace, not wanting to make any suggestions for my own punishment. It seemed like a good moment to change the topic of conversation.
    ‘You know you can punish me whenever you want, AJ, but we really do need to make sure Jemima’s bottom gets marked.’
    ‘No problem. Let’s just thrash the little

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