
Read Always for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Always for Free Online
Authors: Jennifer Labelle
I’m sorry I even bothered.”
    “What’s that supposed to mean?”
    “Why don’t you ask Lucy?” She narrowed her eyes and crossed the street.
    “I will,” he snapped, following her. “Look, Teegan, now obviously isn’t a very good time. Can I see you later?”
    “Whatever!” She pushed him away as soon as they both reached the other side. “That is, if you’re not too busy with Lucy.”
    “This isn’t what it looks like.”
    She started to walk away again, trying to save what little pride she had left.
    This time he didn’t follow.
    Teegan had just spent hours with Claire, one of her best friends, and as soon as she walked in the door, her mother announced Liam was downstairs with James.
    “He’s been waiting here awhile now to see you, actually,” she said.
    Teegan groaned, eyeing the stairs to see if she could run up them before her mother told them she was home. “Actually, Mom, I’m kind of tired.”
    “What about Liam?”
    “He’s with James. I’m sure he’ll understand—”
    The basement door opened, and she heard James’ laughter.
    “Speak of the devil.” Her mom smiled. “Here come Liam and James now.”
    She gasped and ran up the stairs, only to trip over her own feet. “Damn it!” Busted!
    “Teeg?” Liam stepped closer. “Are you all right?”
    She nodded as she turned to face him. They obviously needed to talk, but she’d hoped for a little more time to process her feelings first. But that wasn’t going to happen. “Walk with me,” she said, so at least they could have some privacy. He nodded and followed her outside.
    “What are you doing here?” she asked as soon as the coast was clear.
    “I’ve never needed a reason before.” He chuckled, trying to be cute by repeating what she’d said to him earlier.
    Teegan smiled unwillingly, then was mad at herself for letting him get to her. “Are you going to tell me who she is, or do I have to find out through James?”
    He sighed before sitting down on the curb and took her hand so he could drag her with him. “I want to tell you she’s a part of my family to make things so much easier, but that would be a lie. Lucy is a friend of my sister’s, kind of like what Claire is to you. They have been best friends since I can remember. She’s got family problems and visits a few times a year to take a break, sometimes only for a couple of days, and sometimes for weeks at a time.”
    “A friend of your sister’s?”
    He nodded and then winced. “But also my ex-girlfriend.”
    “Well, isn’t that just lovely.” She rolled her eyes and looked away. Shit, why did she have to be an ex? That’s just my kind of luck. “You slept with her?”
    He nodded again. “But it was way before I met you, and nothing’s happened since we’ve been together. She tried a few nights ago, but I refused her. I know I’m probably digging myself in deeper here, but I want to be completely honest with you, Teeg. I don’t want any secrets between us. Lucy was my past, and I want you to be my future. I love you!”
    Her eyes widened, and she started to cry. Although she didn’t like the circumstances under which he’d said it, this was the first time he’d said he loved her. Turning her face away, she asked, “Why should I believe you?”
    “I can’t give you that answer, but I hope you can. I really do love you. I’ve been wanting to say it for weeks, but I was afraid you wouldn’t return the sentiment. I guess I’m telling you now because I’m afraid it may be too late otherwise.”
    “Tell me something.” She’d wondered about this all day and had to know before she could return the words she felt and knew he wanted to hear. “Why were you so busy earlier?”
    “Honestly, I wasn’t, really.” He looked ashamed. “I would have come to see you, but I thought you might be busy studying again. I swear I didn’t hear you come by. I came down to get something to drink as Lucy was shutting the door, only I didn’t

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