All I Want Series Boxset, Books 1-3: All I Want for Christmas, All I Want for Valentine's, All I Want for Spring

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Book: Read All I Want Series Boxset, Books 1-3: All I Want for Christmas, All I Want for Valentine's, All I Want for Spring for Free Online
Authors: Clare Lydon
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Gay & Lesbian, Genre Fiction, Lesbian, Lgbt, Lesbian Romance, Lesbian Fiction
before twisting her body to me. “Was she with her new woman?”
    “She was,” I said. “And we know her.” 
    Now it was Holly’s turn to look surprised. “We do? Who is it?”
    “Someone you’ll never guess in a million years.”
    A few seconds went by.
    “Why aren’t you guessing?”
    “You just told me it was pointless, so why would I try?” she said.
    Fair point. I took a deep breath. “Melanie Taylor is engaged to Nicola Sheen.”
    Holly’s brow furrowed as she took in the news and began to process it. Her face went from disbelief to horror to comedy in a matter of seconds, but then she saw I wasn’t laughing and tempered her reaction. Holly, of all people, knew my feelings on Nicola Sheen.
    “Hang on,” she said, circling her finger as if she was dialling back time. “Nicola Sheen is a lesbian ?” Her voice rose at the end of her sentence.
    “Apparently, yes.”
    Holly let out a low whistle. “Holy shit. And I bet Melanie Taylor has no idea that you were the woman who started her on the road to the promised land of lesbianville. You were the magnet who drew her in—”
    “—and I was the one she fucked over for Craig Dale. She might not know, but I do.” I shook my head, still swallowing down disbelief. “Can you believe it? Of all the women in the whole world, Melanie Taylor has to go and meet her. Online . This has been my dream for over ten years. How come it didn’t happen to me?”
    “Because you weren’t registered on the app?”
    I shot Holly a look. “It’s ridiculous. She’s known her for two months and they’re getting married .” My cheeks had flushed crimson and I could tell my ear lobes were following suit. “How can it be that Melanie Taylor has stolen my first love and is now going to be living the life I was meant to be living?”
    A shard of Holly’s laughter pierced the air. “Your life? Slight over-reaction perhaps?” Holly peered down at me. “And what happened to being happy for Melanie, seeing her turn over a new leaf and find happiness?”
    “That was before that happiness was attached to Nicola Sheen,” I replied.
    We both stared out into the milky December sunshine. Nearby, a small child tottered, then fell over, but no crying ensued — he just got up and carried on with the aid of his mum.
    “What did she say when she saw you?” Holly crossed her right leg over her left and concentrated on my answer.
    “Neither of us said much. I mean, all these years, wondering where she was and whether or not that kiss had meant anything. And now she shows up in London and she’s a lesbian .”
    “She didn’t mention the panda eyes?” Holly was grinning now, barely able to contain herself.
    “Let’s assume she was overwhelmed with my beauty,” I said, smiling despite myself.
    Holly’s mouth twitched. “And what did she look like, more importantly? Ten years can do things to people. I don’t look much like the tall girl with the flowing hair any more.”
    I stretched my neck backwards and exhaled. “She looked like Nicola,” I said before glancing sideways. “Close up, I would know those eyes and that mouth anywhere. She was a bit more filled out, but not fat, and her hair was about the same length, but styled — very chic. But she’s still very much Nicola Sheen.”
    “Soon to be Nicola Sheen-Taylor or vice versa.”
    I sat forward and put my head in my hands, shaking my head as I did. 
    “There’s nothing you can do about this, you know that, right? Yes, you once kissed Nicola Sheen and ever since you have put her on a pedestal. But she exists in a bubble, in a snapshot of time. You kissed Nicola once when you were 16, and she’s still the benchmark of first kisses. But here’s a newsflash — you don’t know Nicola Sheen. She dumped you like a hot potato after you kissed, and then she got pregnant, which was a huge over-reaction if you don’t mind me saying.”
    I sat back up and glanced sideways at Holly. “But she was my first

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