Alien Romance: Caught By The Alien: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance Standalone (Alien Invasion Romance) (Heavenly Claimed Book 3)

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Book: Read Alien Romance: Caught By The Alien: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance Standalone (Alien Invasion Romance) (Heavenly Claimed Book 3) for Free Online
Authors: Bertina Mars
keep things together.  Curling up into a defensive ball on the bed, she burst into tears.

    Chapter 4: A Vision And An Escape
    As purpled night settled over the palace, the Prince Consort sprawled naked on his huge, silk covered bed, lost in the vision trance brought on by imbibing the dream juice. 
    The juice was made from the mind mushrooms that grew in the hallowed caverns beneath the palace, and was the most certain way to connect with the supreme intellect of the Blood God.  Through the dream juice, the Consort could divine the will of the great potentate.
    As he drifted away into the swirling vortex of his mind, he felt himself leaving his physical body.  His sleepy eyes gazed down on the richly furnished bedroom, now looking like it had been ransacked with its furniture thrown around and its decorations vandalised, thanks to his own brutish handiwork. 
    Lying at the foot of the bed was the Earth girl he’d bought this morning, Toa, or Tera or something equally mundane, it didn’t really matter. 
    He watched her for a moment, listening to her shallow breathing and giggled to himself.  She had proven good company as he played with her.  The bonus had been that she was an equally willing participant in the act.
    But she wasn’t important any more.  Nothing was important now.  Not this world or its contemptible people.  He was walking in the higher realms, communing with the Blood God, as was his right.
    The scene of carnage shimmered and disappeared, and he found himself floating over an immense plain of red crystal.  He was travelling across the dimension of his master now, heading to the great astral domain of the ancient spirits. 
    He moved with a freedom he never experienced on Raja-kell, and luxuriated in his power.  He was supreme here and sat upon the right hand side of the Blood God.  Not bad for a lowly farmer’s son from the outer districts.  Back then, nobody gave him the time of day, but now he was the most feared man on the planet. 
    Grinning to himself, he soared higher and came at last to a colossal pyramid of glowing jade stone.  The top of the pyramid folded open like a flower and a magnificent throne of shining gold emerged from its depths. 
    The Prince Consort drifted down to it and sat upon its dark red cushions.  The thrill of absolute power radiated through every cell of his spirit form and from his great seat he could look out upon the universe.
    From here, he could see the past, the present and more importantly, the future.  From here, he could learn the secrets that would ensure he retained his mastery over Raja-kell.
    As he stared at the weaving fabric of the cosmos though, a dark shape began moving towards him.  He frowned and unease crept into his mood of bliss.  As the dark shape drew closer, it gradually became clearer to see and a golden light radiated from its body.  The Prince Consort rose to his feet and pointed a scrawny arm at the apparition.
    “You have no place here!” he called out across the gulf of time and space.  “Begone!”
    The golden thing paused and seemed to be scrutinizing him, and then a deep mocking laughter issued from its unseen mouth.  It filled his skull making him cringe in pain.  He clutched his head and doubled over.
    “No!  Stop that!” he screamed.  “I am the master here!  Leave me alone!”
    Rallying his strength, he lashed out with his one hand and a host of glistening blood coloured snakes erupted from his bony fingers.  Releasing a sibilant battle cry, the snakes advanced on the golden creature.
    The laughter stopped, bringing him a sudden blessed relief.  He glared at the intruder and smiled as the first of the snakes rushed to sink their venomous fangs into the golden being.  The entity responded by drawing a huge broadsword from its golden depths.  The sword blazed with raw, untrammelled power and the being started to slash and hack through the serpent hordes

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