Age of Z: A Tale of Survival

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Book: Read Age of Z: A Tale of Survival for Free Online
Authors: T. S. Frost
Tags: Science-Fiction, Horror, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult, Dystopian
away and save herself, at least.
    But no. No . She was not going to abandon LS now. It had only been a day, but she staring to see him as family , and she'd never forgive herself if she abandoned her little brother to the undead. So she kept trying, while her mind screamed all the while that she had to get away now or she would never find her real family again.
    He did not even remotely appear to be on the same page. Alexa could feel a faint vibration under her fingers as she tried to push the clone away, and realized a moment later that he was growling, the sound so low in pitch she could barely hear it. Then LS said his first words since the zombies had appeared. “ That is the enemy?”
    Alexa felt her heart plummet even further. She did not like where this was going. “Doesn't matter, we have to go now–”
    “These are the ones you are so scared of?” LS looked almost scornful. “They're nothing!” And to Alexa's horror, he brushed her aside like she was nothing too, roared a battle cry, and hurled himself directly into the middle of the moaning pack of zombies.
    Alexa felt her heart stop for one eternally long second.
    Then time sped up so alarmingly fast that if she'd been moving, she was pretty sure she'd have gotten whiplash. Alexa watched in horror as LS smashed into the front of the group, sending three unsteady zombies staggering backwards and toppling over on the ground.
    With another primal roar, the clone snatched up the secret service zombie–it moaned and snapped at him, but missed skin by inches–spun, and hurled him at four other approaching zoms. All five crashed to the ground as well, and LS yelled wordlessly, an almost feral challenge, as he glared around at the writhing zombies, daring them to get up again.
    But he didn't understand . Zombies were not like normal human opponents. They didn't feel fear or pain or pride, you couldn't demoralize them, you couldn't incapacitate them. You couldn't use normal codes of conduct for a fair fight, because a fight against a zombie was never fair. They couldn't be saved–there was no cure, no chance to reverse the turning, no way to make them see sense. They could only be run from, or killed.
    Already the zombies were clawing their way forward again, and a few of the cleverer ones had figured out to clamber slowly to their feet. The moaning increased, and Alexa felt ice slither through her veins when she heard the call taken up from other directions all around them now. They were surrounded, all the noise had attracted attention.
    LS still didn't seem to understand the danger, and snarled a challenge at the closest dead head, apparently insulted by its inability to recognize him as a dangerous and superior opponent. He didn't even turn around to watch his back, where the eternally young zombie with the Batman shirt was shuffling forward, arms raised, jaw snapping.
    “No no no! ” Alexa screamed. Panic flooded her, and she threw herself up the street. She didn't even register crossing the distance, it happened too fast, and made it just in time, right as the kid started leaning forward for a bite. With a strength born of severe desperation, wild fury, and a great deal of terror, Alexa wrenched the thing back by one arm and pushed it away.
    Then she lashed out with the crowbar, smashing it into the kid's head with as much force as she could muster. The first smash dented its head in, and its jaw hung awkwardly, tongue flopping out. The backhanded second smash was enough to split its head open completely, and it dropped to the pavement with a muted gurgle, dripping rancid brownish fluids. It didn't move again.
    “What is wrong with you?” LS snarled at her, eyes wide and glare full of hatred.
    Alexa didn't have time to explain that she was not crazy, thank you very much, and it might look like she had just mercilessly beaten a twelve-year-old to death with a crowbar but actually she had just saved

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