Age of Decay (Book 1): Contagion

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Book: Read Age of Decay (Book 1): Contagion for Free Online
Authors: Brian Lamacraft
Tags: Zombies
eventually, like that Ebola thing.”
    “No, it’s something different. You can feel it. There’s fear, you can sense the fear when you look at any of these experts, they have no idea.” Ben wiped the sweat beading on his forehead on his shirt sleeve.
    Lauren lifted her head as she heard a loud crack, crack. “Was that gunshots?”
    Trevor took a swallow of beer. “Yeah, pistol shots, I think. Sounds like it was close by, maybe down the street some. We should call the police. Stay here, I’ll—”
    The CNN interview was interrupted by the familiar breaking news logo. The broadcast switched to New York City at the Metropolitan Hospital Center. The hospital was surrounded by police cars and overhead, a helicopter buzzed. The CNN reporter began to speak.
    “Something has happened at the Metropolitan Hospital Center. We are getting reports that patients inside the hospital have attacked the staff, as well as others. We are told that the inside is one of total carnage. Police are responding to the area now, but have not entered the building yet. We have someone on the line from inside the hospital. Sir, can you hear me? What are you seeing inside the hospital?”
    “It’s madness inside here, good God, you have to do something quick! Patients are going crazy, they are biting and eating other people! They just go up from their beds, then attacked nurses, doctors, the other patients, there’s so much blood. Oh, fucking Christ, it’s insane, get us the hell out of here! We are trapped, there are so many of them. What is happening?”
    “Sir, stay calm, the authorities are coming. You said the patients are attacking and eating others?”
    “Yes! I saw them drag a nurse to the ground and tear out her throat. I thought she was dead, but shortly after that she got up and attacked someone else. How the hell could someone live through that?”
    “What else did you see? Are you safe where you are?”
    “No one is safe in here, people are dying damn it! Get the army here, quick before we all die! I have to get out of here, there’s so many of them now! Tell my wife I lov—”
    “Sir, are you there? We lost the connection, we will try to get it back. We are getting reports of similar attacks now in Denver, Los Angeles, Atlanta, and other locations across the country, as well as the rest of the world. We are breaking live to Trafalgar Square in London.”
    Trevor turned to Lauren. “Oh my God, what is going on? People being attacked by others and eaten?”
    “Christ, look at Trafalgar!” screamed Ben.
    The helicopter shone its light down on the people in the square. The scene was one of complete chaos, people were running everywhere. A man had a woman on the ground and was tearing her guts out with his teeth. His eyes were white, vacant, and lifeless. Pools of blood filled the city streets. Others seemed to be walking slowly, in a daze-like trance, but attacking people randomly. Large groups of them converged on a man and tore pieces of flesh off of his body, sending blood squirting in all directions. The camera panned down to a woman gnawing on a forearm like a rabid dog. Troops arrived in military vehicles and took up positions, firing their L85 rifles into the crowd of people attacking others. One soldier was overwhelmed, and they descended upon him tearing out chunks of his flesh. The royal marines backed up, firing their rifles relentlessly, but there were so many of them. The things that were once human were attacking, then eating the living in a horrific display of complete chaos.
    People ran past the soldiers, trying to escape as their attackers lumbered towards them. Those that were wounded staggered along in a daze or were overwhelmed and torn to pieces. The helicopter moved around other parts of London. Smoke billowed from a building as a car rammed through a store window and erupted into flames. Groups walked slowly down the street in an almost trance-like state. Many of them were

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