After the Morning After
onslaught, and going over, screamed Sanjay’s name, completely granting him his fondest wish of the moment.
    Trembling in the aftermath, Victoria waited for her heart to stop racing before opening her eyes and attempting to straighten. She looked up at Sanjay. And apparently he’d just been waiting for her, because as soon as her gaze caught his, he knelt before her. Her skirt had begun to fall back into place, and licking his lips, he simply pushed his head underneath.
    Victoria tensed when he blew softly on her swollen sex, and when Sanjay didn’t hesitate before indulging, she had to bite her hand to keep from crying out. He didn’t kiss; he didn’t lick; he went directly for the gold, pulling her clit gently between his lips and sucking it to the roof of his mouth, where his agile tongue pressed and tortured it. Victoria wanted to weep for mercy…and joy. She clutched at the table behind her for balance, while her thighs, already wet and sticky from his sexual machinations, trembled and shook from the strain.
    Mindlessly, she tried to lift one leg to wrap it around his shoulder and cried out in frustration when she realized her panties and stockings were still wrapped around her knees, only allowing limited motion. Unthinkingly, she bent and tried to push them down. The movement caused her to pull back a fraction from his mouth, eliciting a warning growl from beneath her skirt. A deep chuckle sounded in her throat. “Hey, it’s my —”
    The rest of what she was going to say was swallowed by a whimper as he opened his mouth wider and slipped his tongue into her sheath. She placed a hand on his head, pushing it hard into her sex through her skirt. She tried to widen her legs but couldn’t. “Sanjay…please…pull my…pull them…oh, God.” She moaned when he licked her slowly and repeatedly from her opening to her clit.
    Sanjay gripped her tightly, his fingers digging hungrily into the flesh of her ass as he held her firmly in place. He swallowed every drop of juice leaking from her body, her clean, musky taste intoxicating him and making him greedy for more. Completely caught up, he tried to push her legs farther apart so she’d be more exposed to his mouth. When her undergarments got in his way, he simply yanked them down and out of the way.
    Almost cheering, Victoria kicked off a shoe, stepped out of the garments, and frantically lifted her leg to wrap it around his shoulder. Her back slammed into the table when he lifted her other leg so that her ankles crossed behind his neck. “Oh, yes!” Completely aloft now, she enthusiastically showed her approval of the new position. She leaned into her elbows for leverage and ground her sex into his mouth, riding his face wildly, her hips lifting and falling in tandem with her legs pressing against his neck.
    He began to stroke faster. Every drop of her attention was focused on the sensations between her legs, and Victoria sobbed as the orgasm slammed through her, throwing her into a void where nothing existed for her but the sound and the fury of her own pleasure.
    Sanjay gentled the strokes of his tongue, licking her until she calmed. When her thighs had stopped shaking and her sobs had turned to little mewls of contentment, he lapped up the last few drops of what he’d quickly come to consider liquid ambrosia and gently removed her legs from around his neck. Moving his hands to her waist, he lifted her the few inches off the floor to set her on the table where she slumped bonelessly.
    He moved to stand in front of her. She was a mess. One foot was missing a shoe, while the other one had her panties and nylons hanging from it. Her neck was bent as if it was too weak to hold up her head, and her hair was hanging down around her face, many of the curls gone. Smiling, he lifted her chin, smoothed hair out of her face, and bent his head and kissed her. She kissed him back indolently, her hands resting on his arms. “Tired, baby?” he asked her.

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