connecting with bone caused him to break a cardinal rule. That soft ass exposed right near his face received a really hard smack.
The painful sting brought a scream from Selange’s filthy mouth, “Ow…you hit me…you asshole!”
Yeah, she was shocked, because her husband didn’t believe in hitting women. She quieted. Her ass was on fire from one whack, yet Alfonzo absorbed each of her blows without missing a stride.
Alfonzo finally reached the bathroom and turned on the cold water. He frowned because he had to go there with his very belligerent wife.
Loc a Anita barged in yelling just as he stuck Selange under the water fully clothed. “You do not hit her. No…no…no…I will not tolerate that!”
Selange attempted to slither along the tiles to escape, but Alfonzo’s hand held her immobile as the other deflected a hard rolling pin. “Tranquilo Anita, callate!” Alfonzo cautioned.
Funny, where was Anita when Selange attacked him on the stairs? Last thing he needed was to have his skull cracked open by wood. His head already began to throb from Selange’s fists. A loca Boricua and violent drunk ma ke a lethal team.
Selange sputtered under the freezing stream of liquid. “Damn you Al, my hair…I just had it done!”
“ To hell with your hair. Both of you better calm down!”
Anita did that tsking nonsense and continued to swing th e rolling pin similar to someone squatting flies. “Leave her…ahora…go back to work…I will sober her up…you go Alfonzo…ahora!”
Alfonzo declined the generous offer, besides she was a staircase too late. “Put that away Anita and go make Selange coffee but the kids get here, por favor.”
“You better not touch her again or I will injure you…ah…Dios help me…this is madness…aye ...I cannot take this!” Anita fumed as she scurried to do his bidding.
“Loca!” Alfonzo growled when she finally exited stomping in those chancletas she l oved.
Selange spat water . Curtain of water ran down her face. She whimpered pitifully, ceased the profanity and that’s how Alfonzo knew sobriety approached. His arm relaxed a bit; he felt bad for the chica’s hair. “If I let you out, are you going to chill?” he asked.
Selange nodd ed. Her eyes were extremely red, liquor and tears were the culprits; he refused to accept blame. He shut off the tap, snatched a towel, wrapped it around her shoulders and she shivered.
Selange did not meet his gaze, she was furious. Alfonzo ruined her hair, her butt smarted and her lovely dress which was the last present from Shanda was damaged!
Alfonzo received t he silent treatment afterward. Yep, he even got the cold shoulder in bed. The silence lingered for days. Inebriated people have amnesia. While under the influence they can do a lot of mess but never remember. Despite their faulty memory they seem to recall when they’re wronged…at least in their fuzzy heads.
When he attempted to speak with her about the incident, she walked away swearing never to forgive him. When he asked why, she said some nonsense about he abused her. Um-hum. Her exact words were, “You hit me really hard with a rolling pin for –no reason!”
Huh ¿Qué dijo?
Giuseppe grumbled and turned in bed. His head was on fire due to over consumption. He had returned home earlier than usual because he couldn’t look in another person’s face without seeing Shanda. Today was the worse, because Matteo had come by the office, happy as a lark with his talk of Lucia’s wedding and his mother’s excitement of more bambini. Take out the pene and urinate on a man with reminders of what he didn’t have. That is what Matteo inadvertently did.
Afterward, Giuseppe had gone to the backroom of his office and sank on the sofa to drink. Intoxicated he began to fumble with his phone. He laughed at his lack of coordination when he pressed incorrect keys. He disconnected and then began again, squinting to concentrate on the right