Aedian: Alien Warrior: A Sci-Fi Alien Invasion Paranormal Romance

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Book: Read Aedian: Alien Warrior: A Sci-Fi Alien Invasion Paranormal Romance for Free Online
Authors: Ashley West
Tags: Alien Paranormal Invasion Romance
    “I’ll have you know that I’m an adult, and I don’t need anyone to watch after me.”
    “So you say. But you people are all so weak. It’s a wonder you haven’t been killed off yet.”
    “ Excuse me ?”
    “Something was unclear?”
    “Yeah, your problem is unclear,” Roxy snapped. “I know your kind think we’re worse than ants, but you don’t have to be a muscle bound ox, to be worthy of respect.”
    She’d half expected that she’d gone too far with that quip, but Aedian just looked bored. “I do not know what an ox is,” he said, and Roxy was done. She snarled under her breath, and grabbed up her things, unwilling to keep arguing with him.
    “Fine. Whatever. I’ll be back when I’m back.”
    Without looking back, she’d slammed the door behind her and stalked along the halls. Of course she had to stop and ask someone how to get out of the compound, and it was just a bit embarrassing to be escorted to where she’d parked her car and eyed like she was some kind of criminal.
    “Don’t worry,” she’d said through clenched teeth. “I’m not planning on running away or anything.”
    Her escort hadn’t looked convinced, which just put her in a worse mood.
    And it had been like that all week. Arguing with Aedian and being insulted by him, while her own insults never seemed to faze him. She was sure if she called him weak or something then she’d strike a nerve, but she wasn’t stupid enough to piss him off in his own territory. Not when there were over a hundred of his kind in the compound who could come to his aid if he called.
    She was angry, but not stupid.
    Gradually she brought things over to the compound, taking her sweet time with the moving. It felt like once all of her things were moved over, then she’d truly be trapped there, and it was a scary thought.
    Her mother called her every day to check in, and it was nice to know that her parents were concerned, but since there wasn’t anything either of them could do about her situation, she told them that they didn’t have to worry. She wasn’t being hurt, after all, just annoyed, and she wanted them to believe that she was safe so they didn’t have to suffer.
    One week after the tournament, she went to meet Samantha for lunch. Her friend had been texting her all week, asking for details, and Roxy thought it would just be nice to get away from the compound and go into the city for a while. Surround herself with humans and not feel so trapped.
    They met at a restaurant, and Roxy could see that Samantha was nearly bouncing out of her chair and bursting with questions.
    She sighed and made her friend wait until they’d ordered their food before she spoke. “Go on, then. Ask whatever it is that you’re dying to ask.”
    “How is it?” Sam said. “I mean, I know it’s probably awful for you, but how is it, really?”
    Roxanne sighed. “It’s not awful, exactly,” she said truthfully. “Aedian’s a complete idiot, and he’s a jerk to boot, but for the most part they leave me alone. I can come and go as I please.”
    “That’s good at least. I know you like your independence.”
    “Yeah. What’s not good is the fact that I have to listen to my dear husband to be talk about how weak and idiotic humans are all the time. It’s like he doesn’t think we’re even worthy of respect just because we don’t walk around with massive horns and axes slung over our shoulders.”
    Samantha giggled at that. “Cultures clashing, I guess. Neither of you are likely to give an inch.”
    “Hey, I think I’ve done a lot of giving, thank you very much. I mean, I’m giving up my whole life to honor the stupid treaty. It’s his turn to do some giving.” And she definitely wasn’t pouting when she said it. Definitely not. Because that would just be pathetic.
    “Speaking of giving …” Samantha said, waggling her eyebrows at her. “Have you consummated the marriage yet?”
    Roxy rolled her eyes. Leave it to Sam to get right to

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