“Can you guess?” asked Freya.
“Could it be clothes?” he said.
“Yes, I think you will like it,” said Alana. She was the quietest of the four but would always say something sweet. Daniel opened the gift.
“Wow, a jumper,” he said, “that’s lovely, I will wear it now.” Daniel put the grey woollen jumper over his shirt.
“Looks good,” said Marcus.
Daniel’s mother, father and brother came to greet them. At that moment Dominique and Ray turned up at the door with their overnight bags. Daniel kissed and cuddled his sister and gave Ray a handshake.
“The kids picked that out for you,” said Dominique, pointing at Daniel’s new jumper. “It suits you.”
“Thank you.”
Daniel’s father picked up Alana. “Father Christmas has been. You must have all been good for Mummy.”
“We’re always good for Mummy,” said Freya. Daniel shared a smile with his sister over Freya’s comment.
The whole family made their way into the living room. The men of the family all found a chair while Clarissa and Dominique sat with the children passing around presents.
It’s like the Christmas films that Mum loves so much. Everyone’s so happy. Maybe next Christmas I will have my own family, cousins for Freya, Alana, Marcus and Luke. They can all grow up together as we did with our cousins.
His heart was warmed by the thought.
“A train set,” shouted Luke. “Can you set it up for me, Uncle Danny?”
“If we wait for the rest of the presents to be opened we can set it up in the middle of the room,” said Daniel.
“Okay then,” replied Luke.
Daniel and the other adults all spent the rest of the day setting up and playing with toys. Everyone tried to make it memorable for the younger generation.
The pair of you are in your sixties but you have an abundance of energy to make sure your grandchildren have fun.
Following the festive feast the kids all continued to play while the older generation recovered from the enormous three course meal. After the children went to bed they communed around the fire. Most of the year is spent focused on the now or the future. At Christmas time the family always reminisced and shared stories of growing up.
Daniel went to fetch a few beers. “Here you go, Ray,” he said, passing out the drinks.
“Thanks,” said Ray. “Man U versus West Ham early in January. Are you worried?”
“Not at all,” replied Daniel. “We tend to up our game at your ground.”
“True, West Ham do pull something out of the hat against big teams. A true underdog. It will be a good game.”
“I might be in London around that date, I will stop by for a few beers.”
“Sounds good.”
The large meal followed by drinks had Daniel ready for bed.He said goodnight to everyone. He found his mother in the kitchen washing the dishes.
“Goodnight, Mum. I think the kids were all happy with their presents.”
“Goodnight, Daniel.”
Whilst in bed Daniel’s thoughts were alive with plans for the New Year.
I’m going to do so much. I feel positive about the future. I had a little breakdown, leave that in the past. I feel ready to take on the world. I’m in the best physical shape I’ve ever been in. My family’s good. Everything is good.
With the Christmas holiday over Daniel resumed his job. It had been an enjoyable break spent with his family, and one he had looked forward to. On the morning of his return everything felt the same as before Christmas. His relaxed persona once again returning to confusion and manoeuvring through an uncomfortable atmosphere. Whilst signing in, the strange sense that his colleagues were talking about him was stronger than ever. “What have you guys been looking at recently?” asked Daniel. “You have been watching something on your phones. I was wondering what it is.”
“None of your business. What do you look at?” said Noel. The group looked up at Daniel.
Why are they looking at me like that, like I’ve insulted them?